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4 Signs That Your Baby Is Ready To Take Their First Step

Isn’t it absolutely wonderful to watch your baby take their first step? It is yet another milestone in your little one’s life and a precious moment that you had been waiting to witness and cherish.

Babies start taking their first steps between 9-12 months of age—this includes holding onto a support to get up and balancing themselves on their feet. By the time they are 14-15 months old, they would have already mastered the complex art of walking on two feet.


Some toddlers that are perfectly normal start walking by 16 to 18 months of age, so, don’t worry if you feel your baby is taking longer to learn to walk.

Here are 4 signs that indicate that your baby is ready to start with their first wobbly walk.


1. Trying To Stand Straight Up

Your baby will first try to pull himself up. The first step in learning how to walk is to stand upright. You will notice your baby wanting to stand—they will start by holding onto stable object around them like furniture. You might notice it at around 8-9 months and it can continue for as long as 3 months before they finally develop a balance.

2. Exploring Things Around Them

Babies often test themselves for their ability to balance. So if that toy is out of reach, they will probably try to stand up and start exploring things around them—either to grab and take the support of or to reach out to it.


Also, at this point, they will be super enthusiastic. Some babies let go of support to test their balancing capability while others take their own good time and are more cautious until they are confident enough to stand without support.

3. More Exertion Means More Sleep

At this point, your baby is experiencing a growth spurt both physically and mentally. They are developing new abilities and trying to master them, which takes a lot of energy. hence, your baby will be more sleepy around this time when they are between 10-11 months of age.


4. A Fussier Baby

Your baby may become fussier around time, another indication that they are reaching for another milestone. You might have noticed a similar fussiness when they had started teething, so this one is relatable, especially at the mealtime when they will be picky eaters. Take it as a good sign.

Precautions To Take While Your Baby Is Learning How To Walk

The best way to take precautionary measures is to get down to your baby’s eye level and look around for potential hazards in the view. Sometimes, you might not notice one until they get themselves into trouble.


1. Make sure the furniture in the house is baby proof. Use edge guards for sharp ends. Make sure the furniture doesn’t topple if the baby holds it for support. Fit those door stoppers and door holders to protect your little one’s fingers.

2. Keep away all the medicines, cleansing agents, sanitizers, toiletries locked away somewhere beyond their reach.


3. Don’t invest in a wheeled walker. They are fast and unstable at times, which increases the risk of injury. Your baby could hurt themselves in a jiffy even when you are present in the room. There are risks of toppling down the stairs or banging against the table and knocking off the things from the table.

First, let your baby play on the floor, where they are less likely to get hurt when they try to stand on their feet. Hold their hand to support them and make them walk shorter distances. This will help develop their confidence and bring a sense of balance.


Also, don’t forget to keep your camera handy and capture those very-first moments as your baby grows up quickly.

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