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Fueling Your Body: Clean Eating Made Simply Scrumptious

Most people want to be healthy, but a lesser number actually does things to live that way!

For example, people often go on a diet to lose weight. A diet is a short term solution yet clean eating is a long-term solution that maintains weight and makes you feel great.


Whereas fad diets can be confusing or entail some form of sacrifice, clean eating is simple to understand, and with discipline, easy to continue.

8 Rules Of Clean Eating

1. Reduce Processed Foods

Start reading ingredients. Even if foods are marked “low fat” or “healthy”, they may contain processed, unhealthy ingredients.


If you can not pronounce the ingredients, that is a bad sign. Processed foods often contain high amounts of sodium and sugar.

Boxed, canned, and frozen foods are often processed, but that does not mean all foods packaged this way are bad for you. As suggested, read the list of ingredients and begin to understand what is going in your body.


2. Eat More Fruits And Veggies

Plucking fruits and vegetables straight from the produce area of the market ensures that you are eating clean. Plus, fruits and veggies are packed with vitamins and help you feel full.

However, be sure you are leaning more towards vegetables than fruit. While fruit is a great source of energy and vitamins, be sure that your diet consists of about three times more veggies.


Also, it is likely you have your preferences, but try a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Remember that you can always drink rather than chew on your fruits and veggies.

3. Know Your Fats

“Fat” seems like a bad word, however we need fat. Actually, some forms of fat are healthy for you. Know the difference between saturated and unsaturated fat.


Saturated fat is found in most junk food as well as butter, cheese, and meat. Unsaturated fat is found in nuts and healthy cooking oils such as canola and olive.

You do not have to make huge sacrifices; modify some of your eating habits. For example, rather than cream cheese, top your bagel with peanut butter.


4. Seek Whole Grains

As with fats, know the difference between different kinds of grains. For example, white bread is made with refined grains; the bran and germ are not removed.

Rather than white bread, choose whole wheat bread. Additionally, seek foods like brown rice and quinoa, which are filling and healthy for you.


Feeling full means eating less and having a better handle on your weight.

5. Cut Down On Meat

It is a good idea to cut down on your meat intake. As mentioned above, meat contains saturated fat.

Moreover, people tend to eat more than a “normal” serving in one sitting. Get your protein from tempeh, tofu, and black beans.

6. Go Light On Dessert

Desserts like cookies, cake, and ice cream contain high amounts of fat. Eating a “dessert” each day makes it difficult to maintain a healthy weight.

Go light on dessert (eat treats three days per week) or choose healthier foods, such as fruit, for dessert. Also, consider “why” you are looking forward to a dessert.

Often, people eat as a source of happiness. Of course, double-fudge cake tastes delicious, but eating it only lasts a short time and cannot compensate for a rough day at work, family issues, etc.

If you need to relieve stress or if you are seeking an escape, try exercise.

7. Turn Wine Into Water

Some people enjoy a glass of wine with dinner. While drinking in moderation is okay, it is not as healthy as drinking water.

If you are in the habit of grabbing for a glass when you get off work or when you are about to sit down for dinner, fill it with water rather than wine or a cocktail.

Water helps you feel full and replenishes your system. Keeping your body pure is part of eating clean.

8. Increase The Number Of Meals

Increase the number of meals you consume per day while limiting the amount of food per meal. Eating more often keeps your body moving, breaking down foods and delivering nutrients to the bloodstream.

Eating more meals is not the same as eating a lot at fewer sittings. Think of eating like exercise; constant, low-impact workouts are healthy and ensure the body stays in shape in the long term.

It is totally healthy to eat up to five times per day as long as you are eating good foods.

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