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Do Probiotics Improve Mental And Emotional Health?

Benefits of Taking Probiotics

There is a reason why you feel so good after that bowl of yogurt, Kefir or Miso Soup, bite of cheese or pickle  or spoonful of Sauerkraut or Kimchi. Your brain really likes the probiotics in these fermented foods!

The Effect Of Probiotics On Mental Health And Well Being

It has long been understood that healthy microbiota play a critical role in human development, particularly in areas such as immune development and metabolism.


Probiotics for brain and good mental health: Although in its early stages, the emerging field of human microbiome research has indicated that gut microbiota may also play an important role in influencing brain development, behavior and mood in humans. In a recent study, healthy female volunteers consumed a fermented milk product with a mixture of probiotics for 4 weeks. Results showed that probiotic consumption influenced brain activity in emotional centers in healthy individuals.

Probiotics For Anxiety and Depression: Another study showed improved mood in healthy volunteers following 3-week consumption of a probiotic containing milk drink. More recently, 30-day consumption of a probiotic mixture showed beneficial effects on anxiety and depressive measures and showed reduced levels of stress hormone, cortisol, in healthy volunteers.


Prebiotics, substances that can promote growth of beneficial commensal bacteria, can help too. A recent study that administered prebiotics to healthy volunteers resulted in lower cortisol levels at awakening and improved attention to positive stimuli compared to negative stimuli in an emotional categorization task and in an emotional recognition task.

Overall, these studies in healthy individuals provide clear evidence of a link between microbiota and emotional processing.


[Read: 5 Amazing Ways How Probiotics Help During Breastfeeding]

How Do Probiotics Influence The Brain?

The human intestine houses an astounding number and species of microorganisms, estimated at more than a trillion gut microbiota and composed of over a thousand species. Some are essential and beneficial, some are harmful and there are some otherwise benign ones that may turn harmful based on conditions encountered in the gut. In the absence or dysfunction of normal gut flora, a multitude of diseases may occur.


Probiotics for Brain and Gut Health: Studies have indicated that gut microbiota may be modulated with the use of probiotics.  This makes them a great prospect for therapy in microbiota-associated diseases, including neuropsychological function, due to their beneficial impact on the following:

Probiotics and Prebiotics in Traditional Diets

Probiotic Foods

Prebiotic Foods

[Read: Probiotics: Your Gut Friendly Bacteria]



Probiotics can help anxiety and depression. Probiotics, either directly, or through their influence on other gut microbes, reduce levels of anxiety and depression and provide benefits to cognition and behavior via gut-brain communication. Traditional fermented foods are a great source of probiotics and prebiotics – include them in your diet and rest assured, you will feel good!


  1. Zhou, Linghong, and Jane A. Foster. “Psychobiotics and the gut–brain axis: in the pursuit of happiness.” Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 11 (2015): 715.
  2. Intestinal microbiota, probiotics and mental health: from Metchnikoff to modern advances:Part II – contemporary contextual research-Alison C Bested et al. 2013
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