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6 Plants That Purify The Air In Your Home

These plants aren't just great to look at, they also purify the air inside your house.

One of the greatest health hazards may be lurking inside your home: indoor air pollutants have been ranked among the top 5 environmental risks to public health. There are a number of ways that pollutants and toxic chemicals increase in our homes. For example, our furniture and household building products emit low levels of formaldehyde that can pollute our indoor air. Other pollutants, like pollen, bacteria, mold and fumes like car exhausts can add to the already existing toxins in the house. Moreover, stagnant air inside our homes allow for the pollutants to continue building up and stay around us in greater amounts as time goes by. This is especially true if you stay in places that lack ventilation and doesn’t allow for fresh air to enter. There are some affordable and effective ways to combat this however; NASA has found that some indoor plants help to purify and clean up the air and keep pollutants at bay. Below are some indoor plants that can help to clean up indoor pollutants in your home.

1. Boston Fern


The Boston Fern is known to remove more formaldehyde than any other plant, as well as being extremely efficient at removing pollutants like benzene and xylene. The latter compounds come from gasoline exhaust, which is particularly prominent if you have a garage attached to the house. While these plants are great, they also need to be taken care of regularly and need a lot of attention. They need to be watered weekly when they are growing and monthly during the winter, so you need to be quite attentive. However, if you are not the kind that forgets easily, this plant can be a great addition to the house.

2. Spider Plant


Spider plants are one of the easiest to grow and care for, and can make an appealing addition anywhere. it is especially great for those who are forgetful about taking care of plants because the spider plant can grow without needing to directly be exposed to sunlight, and don’t need to be watered as frequently as the Boston fern. As long as there is bright light present, this plant will grow well. These plants send out shooters as they grow that eventually become baby spider plants or spiderettes.

3. Weeping Fig


This plant is also known as a ficus, and is native to Southeast Asia. It can grow anywhere between 2 feet and 10 feet depending on how you take care of it, and it’s super low maintenance, which can make it a great choice for people who are always busy.  It needs direct light, and you can even allow the soil to dry out between watering it again. Moreover, it does well both as an indoor plant and an outdoor plant, so you can take the plant out when the temperatures are warmer to let it grow freely, and bring it back in when it gets cooler.

4. Peace Lily


The peace lily is a plant that not only cleans the air but also blooms well and can make a beautiful addition to any space. It has sea shell shaped spathes that can brighten up any dull room, and is an excellent plant to remove formaldehyde from the air. It also removes benzene and some types of volatile organic compounds that are emitted by harsh cleaning products. It is also a low maintenance plant that can also add more humidity to the air thanks to its high transpiration rate, but be wary because the leaves can be poisonous to pets and children if ingested.

5. English Ivy


The English ivy is a very pervasive plant when it grows outdoors, but is an excellent formaldehyde remover when it is planted indoors. It is a creeper and hence can be used as a decorative plant inside a house or an office, and requires occasional watering. It does need misting for the leaves every now and then, and requires more sunlight than other plants, but it is also one of the most effective choices to remove air toxins and pollutants.

6. Aloe Vera


Aloe vera isn’t just a great plant to help purify the air, it is also an excellent plant that comes packed with a lot of other benefits. The liquid inside the plant contains enzymes, vitamins, amino acids and other compounds that have great healing properties. Moreover, the liquid is also antibacterial and contains anti-inflammatory properties that can be used in a variety of conditions like skin irritation and psoriasis.

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