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7 Peaceful Yoga Poses For Stress Relief

Peaceful Yoga Poses For Stress Relief

It’s normal to feel stressed. Work, school, and personal relationships are just a few causes. But if it piles on, chronic stress will harm your health.1 Enter the healing power of yoga.

One might argue that all yoga relieves stress. It’s true, but some poses steal the spotlight. These positions promote blood flow throughout the body, helping you feel rejuvenated. Others create a sense of calm.


Ready to loosen up? Check out these seven stress-busting yoga moves.

1. Easy Pose


Beginners and experts alike will benefit from easy pose or Sukhasana. It’s a classic meditation pose, so it’s perfect for fighting stress. You’ll improve posture and hip tension, too.

If you regularly do this move, alternate your legs often.


2. Cobra Pose

Cobra pose or Bhujangasana will release tension in your back and shoulders. After all, this is where many people hold their stress. Loosening up your body will feel amazing.


3. Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose

When you do wide-legged forward bend or Prasarita Padottanasana I, you’ll also increase flexibility. But don’t worry if you can’t stretch very wide. It’ll still make you feel strong, helping you face whatever life throws at you.


4. Downward Facing Dog Pose

Downward facing dog or Adho mukha svanasana is a classic move. It’ll give you a full-body stretch and leave you feeling refreshed. Plus, the inverted position will encourage blood flow, which is a must during stressful times.


5. Child’s Pose

In between challenging poses, do child’s pose or Balasana. It’s restful and restorative, so it’ll be gentle on the body. For maximum stress-busting benefits, breathe deeply.


6. Extended Puppy Pose

Extended puppy pose or Uttana shishosana is a cross between downward dog and child’s pose. It’s another way to restore and relax yourself. If you hold tension in your back, you’ll love this position.

7. Corpse Pose

End your practice with corpse pose or Savasana. This relaxing position pushes you to let go and unwind, making it ideal for stress. It’s a lot like meditation! Because of this, corpse pose is one of the hardest to master.

Hold each move for 3 to 8 breaths or 30 seconds. If you’re a beginner, take it easy and don’t force anything. Listening to your body is a must for stress relief.


1 5 Things You Should Know About Stress. National Institute of Mental Health.
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