Getting Rid Of Hip Flexor Pain: 6 Simple Remedies To Ease Your Discomfort

how to get rid of hip flexor pain

Our muscles, like the joints and bones, are part of an intricate mechanism that keeps us up and about. Many of these muscles soldier on without our even realizing they exist – until they start to act up. If hip flexor pain is bothering you, you’ll know what we mean!

The hip flexors are a bunch of muscles which lie toward the front of your hip. They help you flex your hip and bend the knee. These muscles can stretch or even tear due to some sudden impact while you’re running or during activities like kicking and sprinting. People who play hockey, football or soccer, run, or practice martial arts are prone to injury here. Not warming up before exercising can also result in hip flexor strain.


When your hip flexor is hurt, you will feel the strain in front of your hip where it meets the thigh. Some people experience a mild pain or pull while others get a sharp and cramping pain. In severe cases, you may experience bruising, intense pain, and swelling and may even need to use crutches. Your doctor may recommend rest and painkillers and ask you to refrain from exercises which may strain your hip flexors. Meanwhile, there are also several home remedies that you can try to ease hip flexor pain.

1. Rest And Ice

For the first few days, rest and don’t engage in any activity which results in pain. Apply ice to the affected area for about 20 minutes once in every 3–4 hours. But do remember to wrap the ice in a clean washcloth first. Ice must never be applied directly to the skin or you may get a cold burn.


2. Soak In An Epsom Salt Bath

Soaking in an Epsom salt bath is a common remedy for sore muscles. Epsom salt is essentially magnesium sulfate and this compound is known to have muscle relaxant properties.1 Add a cup of Epsom salt to a tub of warm water and settle in for about 20 minutes.2

3. Apply An Ajwain And Ginger Powder Poultice

Ajwain (carom seeds) and ginger are used jointly in ayurveda to combat muscle pain. Wrap a cup of ground ajwain seeds and dried ginger powder in a thin muslin cloth and heat it on a skillet. Apply this poultice to your aching muscles for relief. Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory activity while ajwain exhibits pain relieving properties.3 4 5 So this ancient remedy might be just what you need to ease your pain.


4. Drink Ginger Or Cinnamon Tea

Both ginger and cinnamon have potent anti-inflammatory properties and can fight the pain from within. According to research, women taekwondo players who engaged in intense exercise experienced a reduction in muscle soreness when they consumed 3 g of ginger or cinnamon as a part of a six-week study.6 Steep these spices in hot water to make healing teas and have them 2–3 times a day. You can also use them to spice up your dishes.

5. Apply A Turmeric Poultice And Drink Turmeric Tea

Curcumin, a compound present in turmeric, is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have found that it can reduce inflammation and offset muscle damage due to exercise.7 It has also been found to reduce muscle soreness after exercise. 8


Try having a cup of healing turmeric tea to ease the inflammation. Ayurveda also advocates the application of a turmeric poultice to sore muscles.9

6. Practice Rehabilitative Exercises

After a couple of days of rest, rehabilitative exercises can help strengthen and stretch your hip flexor muscles as well as nearby muscles. Do keep in mind that you shouldn’t feel a sharp pain when you do these exercises. A physical therapist can help you determine the level of exercise that you’re ready for as well as teach you to do the exercises in a safe and effective way. Some simple exercises that you can try include:


The hip flexor stretch

  • Kneel on your knees and then move forward the leg on the side that’s uninjured. Rest the foot flat on the ground.
  • Now lean forward slightly at your hip and try and press your pelvis toward the ground. Simultaneously, arch your back till you feel a stretch in your hip flexors.
  • Hold the position for half a minute and repeat the exercise thrice.

The quadriceps stretch

  • Hold onto a counter while standing.
  • Use your hand on the uninjured side to hold the top of your ankle of the leg on your injured side and pull your foot toward your bottom till you feel a slight stretch at the front of your thigh.
  • Hold the position for half a minute and repeat the exercise thrice.

The straight leg raise

  • Lie down on your back on the floor and tighten the thigh muscles of the leg on the side that’s injured.
  • Point your toes to the sky and lift the leg about 10 inches off the floor, keeping your knee straight.
  • Gradually lower the leg back to the floor.
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times and do 3 sets.

While the hip flexor stretch and quadriceps stretch can be done if there is mild pain, the straight leg raise should not be attempted until you are completely pain-free.10

