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10 Best And Simple Home Remedies For Laryngitis

home remedies for laryngitis

Inflammation of larynx is called laryngitis, which is usually characterized by hoarseness or loss of voice and throat pain. The larynx is also called a voice box, an organ that joins the back of the throat to the windpipe (trachea).

The larynx is an important organ that helps in respiration and phonation. It allows air to be directed into respiratory organs for gas exchange. It also produces vocal sounds and controls the pitch and volume of voice. It acts as a valve to close the respiratory tract and prevents the passage of food and other foreign particles into the lower respiratory tracts.


Laryngitis is usually caused by excessive strain on the vocal cords or by viral or bacterial infection. Smoking, respiratory allergies, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, and use of inhaled steroids may be contributing factors.

Symptoms Of Laryngitis

Laryngitis is often linked to other illnesses such as flu, pharyngitis or other respiratory diseases. You might also have other symptoms such as a runny nose, headache, and swollen glands.


The problem usually lasts for a few days to 2 weeks at the most. It gets healed without any serious consequences. If it persists longer than this duration, it could be a case of chronic laryngitis for which you need to consult with a doctor.

Here’s the list of simple home remedies which you can try and get relieved; get your voice box back to normalcy.


10 Simple Home Remedies For Laryngitis

1. Salt

This is the first and basic remedy to treat laryngitis at home. Salt has a great antibacterial property and helps kill the bacteria. It also eases the swelling and soreness of throat. Soothe your throat throughout the day by gargling with a mixture of salt and warm water. It is the easiest method to heal your inflamed throat.

How To Use 


2. Apple Cider Vinegar

It is believed that apple cider vinegar is the mother of all vinegars. It has great antibacterial and antifungal properties that work well against all kind of germs that attack the throat and mouth.

How To Use 


It can be used in two methods.

The second method is to prepare a mixture with 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar to 1 glass of water and gargle several times a day.


3. Ginger

According to NCBI, ginger is one of the most commonly consumed dietary condiments in the world. “Gingerols” is one of the active chemical components in ginger that provides excellent therapeutic benefit and act as a highly potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.

According to David J. Hufford (Ph. D.) university professor of the medical humanities Department at Pennsylvania state University’s college of medicine, fresh ginger can help soothe inflamed mucous membrane of the larynx.


How To Use

It can be used in two ways,

4. Honey

According to Ayurveda, honey is considered as one of the most remarkable nature’s gifts to mankind. Scientific studies suggested honey has great antibacterial, antiviral, and antioxidant properties.

Thus, it helps reduce inflammation of the larynx, soothes the throat, and relieves irritation.

How To Use

It can be used simply by swallowing some raw honey several times a day. You can also make a herbal tea with lemon and honey. To make herbal tea, boil a cup of water, and then add 1-2 tablespoon of honey and juice of a ½ lemon in it. Your herbal tea is ready. Drink it 2-3 times a day.

5. Garlic

According to National Institute of Health, garlic has proven to be effective against a plethora of gram positive, gram negative, and acid-fast bacteria. Studies show that garlic has great antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, which help in killing the disease-causing organisms that are often the root cause of laryngitis.

How To Use 

According to Maryann Marshall (a famous herbalist), garlic syrup is considered one of best home remedy for laryngitis.

To make garlic juice, peel and chop the cloves of several garlic heads and place them in a jar. Cover with equal parts of apple cedar vinegar and distilled water. Shake well and allow to sit for 4 hours. Strain and add on an equal part of honey. Shake together and store in a refrigerator. Take 1 teaspoon every 6-8 hours.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric has great anti-inflammatory properties. It encourages healing and soothes the soreness in the throat.

How To Use 

Add ½ teaspoon of turmeric to a glass of milk and drink it 2-3 times a day, until symptoms disappear.

7. Herbs

According to the university of Maryland Medical Center, using herbs is the time-honored approach to strengthening the body and treating the diseases.

Few herbs which are used commonly to treat laryngitis:

8. Marshmallow (Althea Officinalis)

Again, there is the lack of scientific evidence, but it is believed that these two herbs contain mucilage which coats the throat and relieves irritation. There are some contraindications to using these herbs.

Marshmallow can potentially interfere with several medications and can lower the blood sugar level. If you have diabetes or hypoglycemia, speak with your doctor before consuming it.

9. Slippery Elm (Ulmus Fulva)

Slippery elm also affects how your body absorbs some medications. So wait at least an hour before/after taking any medications. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid slippery elm.

Note: Herbs can trigger side effects and may interact with other herbs, supplements or medications. So it is always advisable to take a proper medical consultation before consuming it.

10. Homeopathic Treatment

Using homeopathic remedies for treating laryngitis is a good alternative treatment option. According to the National Center for Homeopathy, homeopathy remedies provide great relief in laryngitis.

Even though homeopathic remedies works differently on individuals (remedy selected on the basis of individual symptoms of person), these are some good remedies to treat laryngitis.

Additional Tips

According to Mayo Clinic, using self-care methods and general precautions may relieve the symptoms of laryngitis and reduce strain on your voice.

These are:

Try these wonderful home remedies to treat the annoying symptoms of laryngitis. If symptoms persist, take professional medical help.

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