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4 Heart Attack Symptoms More Common In Women Than In Men

heart attack symptoms

While heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States, women seem to have a higher chance of dying if they get a heart attack than men do.1 2 3 One reason for this is that women do not always present the classic heart attack symptoms like chest pain or discomfort and often have less common heart attack symptoms which they tend to dismiss as something less threatening.4

“While chest pain is a well-known sign of a heart attack, watch out for more subtle signs too. Also remember that if you’ve had a heart attack before, you may not experience the same symptoms the next time.”


It’s critically important to recognize the signs of a heart attack because most treatments for clogged arteries – the chief cause of heart attacks – work best within an hour after a heart attack begins. And getting emergency medical attention could mean the difference between life and death. Watch out for these heart attack symptoms that are more common in women.

1. Fatigue Before An Attack

A lack of energy or feeling unusually tired is a common sign of a heart attack in women – more than 50% of women who have heart attacks experience weakness or muscle tiredness which can’t be accounted for by exercise. This symptom may come on suddenly or it can also be present for days or months before an attack.5 The fatigue is also often accompanied by sleeplessness.


2. Upper Body Pain

A heart attack can cause discomfort, or pain in your back, neck, upper abdomen (above the belly button), jaw, or either one of your arms or both of them. Here’s what you need to look out for:

But do keep in mind that while pain in the jaw, neck, stomach, or back are more common indicators for women, pain in these areas can be common warning signs for men too.6 7 8


3. Shortness Of Breath

You may experience shortness of breath either before or around the same time that you experience chest pain. It could even be the only symptom you experience. So you may suddenly find that you’re struggling to breathe though you’ve haven’t engaged in any physical activity that can account for this. Again, do keep in mind that men too commonly experience shortness of breath as a symptom.9

4. Nausea Or Vomiting

Women are twice more likely to experience indigestion, nausea, or vomiting during a heart attack when compared to men.10 They may also get a stomach pain. Unfortunately, women are also prone to dismissing this as a mere digestive upset.


Heart Attack Symptoms Common To Both Men And Women

Sudden Pressure Or Pain In The Left Chest

Discomfort or pain in the left side or center of your chest is the most common symptom of heart attacks. This can feel like uncomfortably heavy pressure, a squeezing sensation, or pain. It could even feel like indigestion or heartburn. This sensation usually lasts for a few minutes or recedes and comes back.11 12

Cold Sweats Without A Trigger

Breaking out into a “cold sweat” or excessive sweating without any apparent reason (say a hot weather or a hot flash) is another common sign of a heart attack.13


Sudden Lightheadedness

You may know that people can lose consciousness when they get a heart attack (it’s a familiar sight in the movies), but did you know that suddenly feeling lightheaded or dizzy could be an indication that you’re having a heart attack?14

What Can You Do To Lower Your Risk?

Factors like high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol levels are known to increase your risk for heart disease and controlling these is very important. Other factors like stress and depression are also associated with heart disease and need to be addressed.15 16 Here’s how you can manage your risk:


Have A Healthy Diet

A balanced diet plays an important role in keeping your heart healthy. Your diet should be rich in fruit and vegetables, lean meat, whole grains, fish, and pulses and you should limit your intake of sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats.17


Exercise Regularly

Exercise can lower bad cholesterol, increase good cholesterol, help to control your blood sugar, and reduce blood pressure. Getting in at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity (for instance, walking briskly or doing yard work) every day can help your heart.18 Regular runners have a 45% lower risk of dying from heart attacks.

Do Not Use Tobacco Products

Tobacco in all its forms can harm your health. Being exposed to secondhand cigarette smoke can be dangerous too. But the good news is that your risk of a heart attack starts dropping as soon as you stop using tobacco products and can reduce by about 50% in a year.19

Try Breathing Exercises

A yogic breathing technique known as Sudarshan Kriya Yoga which involves rhythmic, cyclical breathing with slow, medium, and fast cycles can help you deal with stress as well as depression.

During the slow breath cycle which is known as Ujjayi or “Victorious Breath,” 2 to 4 breaths are taken per minute, while during the rapid breath cycle which is known as Bhastrika or “Bellows Breath,” air is inhaled and forcefully exhaled at about 30 breaths per minute. A trained practitioner will be able to coach you in the technique.20


According to research, meditation can be helpful for people who are dealing with depression and anxiety, which raise the risk for depression.21 Sit comfortably, focus on your breathing, and keep your attention on the present moment without letting your mind drift into the past or future. Try to meditate for at least 20 minutes a day and do remember that regular practice can help you maximize your benefits.22


1 Gender and Heart Disease. American Heart Association.
2 Men and Heart Disease Fact Sheet. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
3, 12 Heart Health and Stroke. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
4 Canto, John G., Robert J. Goldberg, Mary M. Hand, Robert O. Bonow, George Sopko, Carl J. Pepine, and Terry Long. “Symptom presentation of women with acute coronary syndromes: myth vs reality.” Archives of internal medicine 167, no. 22 (2007): 2405-2413.
5, 14 Make the Call. Don’t Miss a Beat. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
6, 9 What Are the Symptoms of a Heart Attack?. National Institutes of Health.
7, 10, 11, 13 Make the Call. Don’t Miss a Beat. U.S.Department of Health and Human Services.
8 Heart attack warning signs. National Heart Foundation of Australia.
15 Heart disease and depression. National Institutes of Health.
16 Steptoe, Andrew, and Mika Kivimäki. “Stress and cardiovascular disease.” Nature Reviews Cardiology 9, no. 6 (2012): 360-370.
17 What can I do to avoid a heart attack or a stroke?. World Health Organization.
18 Exercise and Cardiovascular Health. American Heart Association.
19 What can I do to avoid a heart attack or a stroke?. World Health Organization.
20 Brown, Richard P., and Patricia L. Gerbarg. “Sudarshan Kriya yogic breathing in the treatment of stress, anxiety, and depression: part I-neurophysiologic model.” Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine 11, no. 1 (2005): 189-201.
21 Heart disease and depression. U.S. National Library of Medicine.
22 Six relaxation techniques to reduce stress. Harvard Health Publications.
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