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Relax Tired Eyes With These DIY Herbal Eye Masks

Eye masks can help relax your tired and overworked eyes after a long day of work. Eye puffiness, eye redness, and eye irritation can happen due to long hours of staring into the computer screen, like most of us do. So use one of these easy DIY eye masks to rejuvenate and relax your eyes.

Tea Eye Mask

What you will need

-Small piece of absorbent material (like a washcloth, head warmer, or sock)
-green or white tea bags (you can also choose one that includes various herbs, like chamomile)
-a sprig of mint
-small cucumber



-Place your fabric against your face to guestimate where to cut it. You can use a marker to draw a line around your eyes on the fabric. You can make a cut out or sew two pieces of cut out fabric.

-Meanwhile, boil 6 ounces of water and add roughly chopped mint, few pieces of cucumber and place the green/white tea bags. Allow the ingredients to steep for 5 – 10 minutes and cool. Once cool, you can soak the mask in the mixture for several minutes.


-You can use the mask on your face or cool it in the refrigerator and use it.

Rice Eye Mask

What will you need

• Mixing bowl
• 2 cups rice
• 1 tablespoon fresh herbs of your choice
• 10 to 20 drops essential oil of your choice
• Sheet pan
• Parchment paper
• White sheet of paper
• Pencil
• Cotton fabric
• Scissors
• Thread
• Needle
• Funnel
• Elastic headband



-Measure and add the rice to a mixing bowl along with the fresh herbs. Some herbs that you could use are rosemary, mint, lavender, or fresh basil.

-Next add in some of your favorite essential oils, and then stir the rice to coat.


-Spread the rice on a parchment-covered sheet pan, pop it into a 350˚F oven, and bake for 15 minutes. This infuses the great scents into the rice, which will keep it smelling heavenly use after use.

-While the rice is baking, create the template for making the eye mask. Using sunglasses as a template guide works well.
-Cut out the template, leaving one-half-inch around the pencil line. Cut a square from the article of clothing and fold in half, with the patterned sides facing each other, and position the template over the fabric.


-Now cut the fabric, creating the two sides of the eye mask. Thread a needle, and start sewing small stitches one-quarter of an inch from the edges of the fabric.

-Remove the rice, and let it cool. Continue sewing around the edge of the eye mask until there is around a two-inch opening remaining. Use a funnel to fill the mask, saving any remaining rice in a zip-top plastic bag for future eye mask making.


-Use a small length of thread to stitch the mask closed. Cut an elastic headband in half, and then attach one end to the eye mask with a few stitches, securing with a knot. Do the same for the other side of the eye mask.

– You can pop the eye mask in the microwave for a few seconds for a warm eye mask experience or keep in the freezer so it is wonderfully fresh and cool. You can also soak the eye mask in herbal infusions and use it. The mask can be sun-dried later on.



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