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Cellulite Is Not Just A Cosmetic Problem But A Medical One

Cellulite Is Not Just A Cosmetic Problem But A Medical One

Cellulite Is Not Just A Cosmetic Problem But A Medical One

Most women today have had to deal with cellulite at some point in their lives. Although men do not have it quite as bad as females do, (thanks to their differently-shaped fat cell chambers and higher percentage of muscle tissue), there is a definite rise in the amount of men that have it, usually in the abdominal region. Many agree that the reason is due to the occurrence of oestrogens in our drinking water, as well as poor dietary choices.

Cellulite is considered a solely cosmetic condition. Indeed, until recently, cellulite was not acknowledged in medical literature. Now, experts believe that changes over time in the body’s skin structure actually lead to the transformation of fat cells into cellulite. To address cellulite effectively, we need to understand that it is a condition that can be dealt with, but its reappearance will always be lurking in the background if you are prone to cellulite, if permanent lifestyle changes are not implemented and seen to on a daily basis.


What is Cellulite?

It is an alteration and degeneration of fat cells and connective tissue where excess fat is no longer smoothly distributed under the skin. The fat cells are clumped together in uneven bundles, giving rise to a rippled and dimpled appearance. Cellulite in a nutshell, is fat packaged in a less attractive pattern.

One of the main contributors of cellulite is the impairment of optimal circulation to the tissues. This leads to fat cells being starved of oxygen and nutrients as well as a slowing down of the removal of waste products and carbon dioxide. Normal drainage and replenishment of the tissue fluid slows down and waste products build up in the fluid around the fat cell.


As a result, the volume of the cells increases and restricts the flow of arterial, venous and lymphatic systems even further. Excess tissue fluid builds up within the cellulite layer because the circulation is impaired, metabolic exchanges slow down and fibrosis begins, which means hardening of the tissues. Usually, fibroblast cells will clean up areas of degeneration and secrete substances to rebuild the tissue, but when they are also affected by poor circulation, fibroblast cells cannot perform as they should, causing further degeneration, hardening and shrinking of the fibres.

To effectively treat cellulite, we need to: 

Natural ways to get rid of Cellulite


This is a fantastic way to promote micro-circulation in the superficial layers as it assists to improve blood flow to from the first to the last skin layer and all the cells in between, and this will also promote lymphatic drainage to rid you of any excess fluid build-up causing pressure on the fat cells and surrounding tissues. Exfoliation can be done by either dry brushing or by using an exfoliation mitt. Care should be taken with scrubs that can scratch the skin or if you may have any skin allergies to specific ingredients in the product. For effective exfoliation, one should always work towards the heart to promote the removal of toxins and fluid.



Massage helps to rectify this problem, by breaking down fibrous tissue and speeding up the body’s repair and regeneration process.

Massage is also very important to increase the blood supply to the tissues and to rid the body of excessive fluids, toxins and stagnation. Massage ultimately assists the body to perform better, locate areas of disease and help with the regulation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Reduced stress in the body contributes to less over activity by the adrenal glands, normalising hormonal fluctuations contributing to conditions such as cellulite.



Cellulite can also be triggered by inflammation in the body, and consuming the wrong kinds of fats may add to the condition. Studies show that regular intake of Omega 3 can reduce inflammation in the body and ultimately have a positive effect on cellulite.

Omega 3 fatty acids are also an essential nutrient necessary to the body and assists with proper skin nourishment, repair and suppleness, as well as strengthening the connective tissue which is so important to avoid the dimpled appearance that goes along with cellulite.



Many people these days work behind a desk in a sitting position, which also contributes to poor circulation to the common areas where cellulite develops, and this cannot be helped unless conscious decisions are made to promote blood flow to the feet. Getting up often if possible or going for a walk during lunchtime are great ways to combat poor venous flow.

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