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Ayurvedic Treatment For PCOS: A 4-Pronged Approach

Ayurveda treats PCOS with panchakarma procedures such as udvartana, vamana, virechana, and uttara vasti. It prescribes shatavari to tackle menstrual irregularity, triphala kwatha to purify the body, and turmeric, guggul, and pepper to fight obesity. Yoga and a holistic diet with whole grains and digestion-boosting foods are also recommended.

11 Amazing Health Benefits Of Guggulu You Just Can’t Beat!

Guggulu, a gum resin, may seem like an unlikely hero, but this ayurvedic remedy could help those with high cholesterol, diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s disease. Its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties combined with its immune-boosting effects make it a promising treatment for bacterial infections, skin problems, inflammatory illnesses, and possibly even cancer.

13 Possible Health Benefits Of Cilantro Or Coriander Leaves

Cilantro or coriander leaves, rich in antioxidants and vitamins, protect the heart and the liver by scavenging free radicals, manage diabetes, and show anticancer activity. Acting against microbes, they can prevent food poisoning and yeast infections and help resolve indigestion, flatulence, and diarrhea by improving gastric functions.

Baby Skin Care 101: Natural Remedies And Tips To Keep Your Baby’s Skin Healthy

To keep your baby’s skin clean, bathe them thrice a week when they are young and daily after they start crawling. Light cotton clothing can keep heat rashes in check. Natural plant oils like coconut or sunflower oil can combat dry skin and eczema. Change diapers frequently and use chamomile and coconut oil to clear a diaper rash.

10 Home Remedies To Tackle Swollen Adenoids Naturally

Natural remedies with antimicrobial and antihistamine effects can help you deal with swollen adenoids. Try drinking turmeric milk, chamomile tea, or thyme tea. Or take honey with lemon juice or tulsi leaf juice. Garlic juice, ginger, apples, and tomatoes can help too. So can a salt water or babul decoction gargle.

11 Foods High In Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) That You Can Tank Up On

Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10 is readily available in meats, beef liver, chicken, and seafood. Vegetarian sources like avocado, nuts, seeds, cauliflower, and broccoli are other ways to get this coenzyme that plays a key role in metabolism. Some of these foods will give you 3 mg or more of CoQ10 per serving!

Is Breast Implants Illness Real? All You Need To Know

Breast implant illness is a term used to describe symptoms like pain, skin rashes, fatigue, and even anxiety that may result after getting implants. While its diagnosis and treatment remain elusive, with the condition itself failing to get acceptance as a real disease/problem by the medical community, therapy or even removal of the implants could help.

11 Health Benefits Of Manjistha You Should Tap Into

Manjistha has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It treats allergies, acne, eczema, and psoriasis and can improve your complexion. It can help you deal with stress and improve memory and learning ability. Manjistha also boosts wound healing, protects your kidney, liver, and immune system against toxins, and helps fight cancer.

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