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12 Health Benefits Of Punarnava (Hogweed), An Invigorating Herb

Punarnava has an important place among therapeutic plants in ayurveda. This herb has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and adaptogenic properties. It protects your liver and heart and treats epilepsy, eye diseases, and kidney disorders. It also eases pain and helps manage high blood sugar levels.

How To Bond With Your Baby: 5 Things You Should Try

Skin-to-skin contact and lots of cuddles can help strengthen your bond. Responding when your baby cries and taking care of them when they are hungry, cold, or distressed also helps. Also try talking, singing, or reading to your baby, giving them a massage, and making bath time fun.

Water Safety Tips To Keep Your Kids Safe At Home And Outside

Water safety is crucial for anyone with a child. Being aware of hazards and ensuring your children follow water safety rules could lower risk of drowning in the pool, at home, or out by the sea or lake. Temperature, cleanliness, and sunlight exposure too could make water perilous so stay informed!

6 Common Signs And Symptoms Of A Concussion

Suffered a severe blow to the head, neck, or face? Watch out for symptoms of a concussion like a persistent headache, fogginess, loss of memory, dizziness, poor sleep quality, and vision problems like blurred or double vision. You may also experience problems like anxiety, irritability, confusion, and light sensitivity. While these symptoms usually fade in 7–10 days, experiencing them for longer periods may indicate something more serious.

Busting 5 Common Myths About Disabled People

People with disabilities are not necessarily doomed to being chronically ill, and can be just as healthy as people without disabilities, provided he has the access to the right kind of healthcare. People with disabilities are also not incapable of leading independent lives, and they are completely capable of pursuing healthy romantic relationships. Disabled people should also stop being seen as recipients of charity, since they have plenty to contribute.

Exercising During Pregnancy Can Benefit You In These 9 Ways

Wondering if exercising during pregnancy is a good idea? Engaging in low to moderate intensity exercise while pregnant reduces the duration of and exertion during labor. Not just that, it also allows for a speedy recovery after delivery and reduces the risk of pregnancy-related complications. While pregnant, steer clear of contact and high-intensity sports. Take to lighter forms of exercise like walking, stationary cycling, and swimming instead.

Tips To Help You Stay Healthy When You Fly

Air travel can take a toll on your health. But, certain tips can make things easier. Stay hydrated throughout the flight to avoid dehydration. Move around and stretch often to prevent deep vein thrombosis. Carry your own food to avoid intestinal and respiratory infections. Wear a mask to avoid contracting infections. Swallow regularly to ease ear pain. Listen to music to release any stress caused by the travel.

7 Compelling Tips To Build Your Child’s Self-Esteem: Give Them A Head Start!

Children with good self-esteem grow up to be emotionally resilient adults who are prepared to handle whatever life throws at them. Show affection to your child, encourage them to freely express themselves, and listen to them. It is also important to love your child unconditionally, let them do things on their own, and praise their accomplishments.

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