Home Fitness


5 At-Home Exercises To Banish Those Love Handles

High-intensity exercises like lunge twists, jumping jacks, and mountain climbers increase the burning rate of the most stubborn kind of fat. There are also exercises like reverse crunches that trigger muscle contraction in the abdomen to melt your love handles away. Side planks are another way to strengthen your body's core muscles, though beginners may need to perform these in front of a mirror to get the form right.

The 7-Minute Abs, Butt, And Thighs Home Workout

If you're looking for the fastest way to lose weight, you just cannot ignore a good HIIT workout. HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is a...

7 Morning Workouts To Stay Energized All Day

Forget the caffeine. With the right morning workouts, you’ll have lasting energy without the crash. Aim for exercises that increase heart rate and blood flow. Classic options include jumping jacks, push-ups, and burpees. If you hate running, do running mountain climbers instead. Jump squats are great for cardio as well. To work your abs and break a sweat, do Russian twists and twist crunches. Start with 10 to 20 reps and increase reps over time.

These 7 Mistakes Make It Harder For You To Gain Muscle And Lose Fat

There is more to gaining muscle and losing fat than just lifting weights and running on the treadmill. You need to understand that your...

8 Benefits Of Foam Roller Exercise: Why You Should Try It

A self-administered therapeutic massage, foam rolling can help get rid of any restrictions in the myofascial tissue. It can help reduce tissue tension, ease muscle soreness, improve range of motion or flexibility, reduce post-workout fatigue and even relax you mentally. Foam rolling could also be the therapy you need for your runner’s knee, jumper’s knee, or lower back pain, so give it a go!

Pregnancy Yoga: Why You Should Try It And How To Get Started

Yoga has enough health benefits for expectant mothers to qualify it as a must-try. Ease back pain with the cat/cow pose, battle sciatica with the extended side angle pose, and strengthen your abdominal muscles with the balancing table pose. The bound angle pose and the goddess pose can help open up your hips and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. If it is relaxation you are after, the triangle pose and corpse pose can slip you into a state of deep restfulness, washing away stress and anxiety.

5 Common Mistakes You May Make With Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. However, make sure you do the steps the right way. Avoid holding your breath during the exercises. Kegel exercises are not only about squeezing the muscles but also lifting them inward. Do not overwork your muscles or use the wrong muscles like your buttocks and thighs. Do not wait too long for your results.

7 Natural Ways To Cleanse Your Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system eliminates toxic waste from our body and is vital for our immunity. A blocked or sluggish lymphatic system might cause health problems that need cleansing. Stay hydrated to keep the lymph system from slowing down. Try skin brushing and deep breathing to improve circulation and lymphatic flow. Exercise regularly to keep the lymphatic cells and filters working efficiently. Cleanse the lymph system by eating clean, using essential oils, and sweating a lot.

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