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7 Rowing Machine Mistakes You Should Avoid

When using a rowing machine, avoid common mistakes. Don’t forget to adjust the damper setting and foot straps before starting. A rowing stroke is made of three moves, but be sure to do it in order. Both the lower and upper body should be involved. To avoid injury, don’t jerk the handle or hunch the back. Engage your core for strong, solid strokes.

Natural DIY Remedies To Remove Blackheads

It takes time, money and patience to keep your face glowing and smooth. No one’s perfect, there are times when we don’t exfoliate our...

All There Is To Know About Porphyria Cutanea Tarda

PCT or Porphyria Cutanea Tarda, is a rare metabolic disorder that occurs in the body due to the build-up of porphyrins. While the acute variety targets the nervous system, the cutaneous variety results in skin conditions like blisters, hyperpigmentation, and erosions. Genetic prediposition and exposure to the sun are common causes of PCT. Treatment options for PCT include phlebotomy, low doses of oral chloroquine, and hydrochloroquine therapy. Patients with PCT must avoid alcohol and tobacco.

4-Ingredient Anti-Aging Face Mask That Your Skin Will Love

Not only does honey help lock moisture in your skin, it also contains antioxidants that fight skin cancer. Lemon juice provides you skin with vitamin C that restores damaged tissue with scar tissue, cinnamon serves to trigger the production of collagen which is essential for wrinkle-free skin, and nutmeg's anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties fight acne. Together, these ingredients help protect your skin against the harmful signs of aging.

6 Easy, Natural Fixes And Kitchen Cures For Sunburned Skin

Sunburns are painful but ease them with cold compresses. Drink lots of water and fluids and turn down the temperature in your surroundings. Cool the affected areas with a hydrocortisone cream or aloe vera gel. Place tea bags soaked in cold water on your eyes to heal the sunburn around the eyes. You can also apply cornstarch-water paste, lettuce water, yogurt, or white vinegar to soothe sunburns.

5 Foods To Eat For Clear, Acne-Free Skin

Persistent acne is frustrating. Diets rich in foods that cause spikes in blood sugar might be to blame for this skin condition. Switch to foods that fight acne, instead. Seafood and flaxseed are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which decreases inflammation. Oysters are rich in zinc, which inhibits sebum production. Whole grains regulate blood sugar levels. Vitamin A in eggs, reduces the blockage of sweat glands. Lastly, probiotics in yogurt also control acne breakouts.

6 Shaving Mistakes You Should Stop Making If You Want A Smooth Shave

At first glance, shaving looks like the easiest thing to do. After all, how tough can sliding a razor on your skin be? But...

Ways To Detoxify Your Body Through Your Feet

Foot detox techniques claim to rid the body of toxins that cause disease and degeneration. You could detox at home with a few simple steps. Tread on stones to massage your meridians, soak your feet in a clay or an Epsom salt bath, or use foot pads or an ionic bath to speed up the detox process. However, all of these techniques are unscientific and best left for recreational purposes only.

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