6 Shaving Mistakes You Should Stop Making If You Want A Smooth Shave

At first glance, shaving looks like the easiest thing to do. After all, how tough can sliding a razor on your skin be? But if you’ve been shaving regularly, you know that shaving can lead to all kinds of issues like redness, bumps, rashes, inflammation, and nicks. The good news is that most of these issues can be avoided by making a few simple changes in your shaving routine and how you shave. Here are some of the mistakes you need to avoid.

Mistake #1: Using Soap

If you’re in the habit of using soap or body wash on your skin before shaving, you really need to stop. Though you may think that soap is the same as shaving gel, foam, or cream, products meant for shaving help you get a close shave and minimize bumps and redness. Conditioning your skin before shaving softens the hair and the hair follicle which allows for lesser irritation when a razor goes across your skin. Shaving products contain emollients that help condition your skin.

Mistake #2: Shaving As Soon As You Get In The Shower

Shaving can be a drag and you might be tempted to just get it done with before you have your shower. However, there is a good reason why you should shave after you’ve had a shower. Letting your skin sit in a wet, warm environment allows for your skin and hair to soften. Softer hair and opened-up follicles make it easier to get a close, clean shave. This means you’re less likely to feel new stubble later.

Mistake #3: Applying More Pressure For A Closer Shave

When it comes to how much pressure you should apply when shaving, less is more. You may things that pressing harder will get each every strand of hair or cut the hair at the very base but you’re making things worse. Why? The harder you bear down, the more uneven the skin surface becomes, because you’re essentially creating dimples where the blade falls. Basically, you’re setting yourself up for nicks and missed patches.

Mistake #4: Not Exfoliating

Some people think that when you shave you’re also exfoliating your skin, which is technically true. However, if you’re prone to razor bumps and irritation, you may want to exfoliate the area beforehand to ensure that the hair can come cleanly out. If you don’t, the dead skin cells can clog up the razor blade, which is what causes razor burn. Exfoliating your skin before you shave essentially creates an even canvas which makes for a smooth shaving experience.

Mistake #5: Keeping The Razor In The Shower

The shower is a warm, moist environment; exactly the kind that microbes love. Not only can keeping your razor in a moist environment rust the blades, it also increases your risk of bacterial or fungal infection. The best thing you can do after you’ve finished shaving it to rinse your razor well with warm water, pat it dry with a towel, and stash it in a spot where it won’t get wet. Also, when you’re removing hair that’s tangles to the blade, make sure it’s dry and use a towel or toilet paper to pull the hair.

Mistake #6: Rushing Through It

No matter how easy it looks, you shouldn’t forget that you’re dealing with a super sharp blade when shaving. Hurrying things up can only lead to nicks and cuts. If you do get a cut or nick, rinse the area and rub a bit of antiperspirant as it contains aluminum chloride, which can constrict blood vessels and clot a nick. Another option could be applying an ice cube or eye drops to the area, both of which constrict the blood vessels and help the nick to clot more quickly.