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Can Potatoes Increase Diabetes Risk?



Potatoes have long been considered as the most basic of basic foods and an indispensable accompaniment to almost every meal. Potatoes usually rank high on the glycemic index – a measure of how foods affect the rise in blood sugar after a meal, thus making them unsuitable for diabetics.

Some potatoes may rank medium on the glycemic index (GI), depending on their variety and cooking methods. Eating potatoes is generally regarded as healthy and safe. However, in some cases, people need to limit their consumption, or avoid them altogether.


Potato Nutrition Facts


Can A Potato-Rich Diet Increase Diabetes Risk?

Potatoes fall into the moderately high to high range on the GI scale. The GI is a numerical index, that ranks carbohydrates based on their rate of glycemic response (i.e. their conversion to glucose within the human body). GI uses a scale of 0 to 100, with higher values given to the foods, that cause the most rapid rise in blood sugar. Pure glucose serves as a reference point, and is given a GI of 100.


Use Of GI To Help Control Blood Sugar

The theory behind the glycemic index, is simply to minimize the insulin-related problems, by identifying and avoiding the foods that have the greatest effect on your blood sugar. GI is important, because your body performs best when your blood sugar is kept relatively constant.

There is an increased risk of diabetes, if your blood glucose runs high for a long period of time. Also at a high blood sugar level, your body will release an excess amount of insulin and drive your blood sugar back down too low.


Studies that have shown a positive association between a high glycemic diet and the risk of type 2 diabetes:

Who’s At Risk?

Potatoes, The Only Culprit?

Not really. Food combinations such as potatoes with rice or pasta can cause an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes; when compared to eating potatoes alone. All these foods have a very high glycemic index, and in combination with potatoes they can cause extremely rapid fluctuations in the blood sugar level.


Reduce Diabetes Risk With These Low GI Foods

Eating right is vital if you are trying to prevent or control diabetes. Instead of consuming white potatoes (including fries and mashed potatoes), you can try sweet potatoes that are rich in fiber content.

Those who consume low-GI foods tend to have a lower body mass index (BMI) and lower fat levels which further reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes. You can also incorporate the following food in your diet:

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