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What Does Your Blood Group Say About Your Health?

How your blood group can put you at risk for certain diseases

Have you noticed how sometimes, a diet that works great for your friend has no effect on you? Our blood type is often the last thing we pay attention to when we’re trying to become healthy, but it could play a very important role. Microscopic particles live on the surface of your blood cells and constantly interact with your immune system. Different blood types react differently with your immune system, which could potentially put you at risk for certain diseases. This does not mean that if you have a certain blood group, you will definitely suffer from that disease. However, it could help you stay vigilant and know what to watch out for. Here are a few of the diseases that you might be at risk of developing depending on your blood group.

Memory Problems – At Risk Type: AB


Research published in the Journal Of Neurology has reported that people having AB+ blood group are more likely to be suffering memory loss and dementia in their later years. This link is due to the high concentration of Factor VIII in AB+ blood which aids in blood clotting. Hypertension is a worry for all people who lead highly-stressful lives, however, people with AB+ blood group appear to be the most prone. If you have this blood group, then you might need to make lifestyle changes that will lower your stress, keep your blood sugar under control and quit smoking for good.

Stomach Cancer – At Risk Type: A & AB


People with the blood groups A or AB are at a higher risk of developing stomach cancer. This could be because the bacteria H. Pylori flourish in the stomach of people with these blood groups. For some reason, people with type O blood group are the least likely to develop stomach cancer. But if you aren’t lucky enough to have this blood group, there are several things you can do to lower your risk. Avoid eating cured meats which have nitrate compounds that help bad bacteria to flourish and try to eat whole foods as much as possible.

Fertility Issues – At Risk Type: O


People with type O blood group can have fertility issues, especially as they get older. Reproductive endocrinologists from Yale University found that the number and quality of eggs are lower for women with type O blood group compared with other blood types. One study of women 35 years and younger showed higher amounts of Follicular Stimulating Hormone (FSH) in type O blood. Fertility experts consider a high FSH level as a key indicator of having a low egg count, which is known as ‘diminished ovarian reserve’.

Stress-Related Disorders – At Risk Type: A


The adrenal gland dumps more cortisol into the bloodstream of people with type A blood compared to other groups. This can cause their stress levels to hit the ceiling, leading to related health complications. With continuously high cortisol levels, it becomes more difficult for their body to fight off infection. Chronically high stress can also lead to heart disease and increased blood pressure. Stress-reducing exercises like tai chi and yoga might be better suited for people with this blood group rather than high-intensity cardio and weight training.

Diabetes – Higher Risk Type: B


Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. When the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin, the level of sugar in the blood can increase unchecked. While it is found more commonly among African Americans, Latinos and Native Americans, its correlation with the type B blood group is only now being discovered. Women with B blood type are at a 21% risk for developing type 2 diabetes, while type O has the lowest. You can lower your risk for diabetes by dropping 5 to 7% of your body mass and leading an overall healthier lifestyle.

Heart Disease – At Risk Types: All Except O


Mary Cushman, hematologist at the University of Vermont, has found that A, B and AB have a 60-80% risk of developing dangerous blood clots that can travel to the lungs with devastating results. These blood groups are also at a greater risk for coronary heart disease. Type O remains inexplicably protected from these conditions. If your blood group puts you at a higher risk for heart disease, you can still temper the risk by making major lifestyle changes. Eating healthy, avoiding red meat, giving up smoking and exercising regularly could minimize your chances of developing heart disease.

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