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6 Benefits of Sprinting: A Faster Route To Health

Sprinting Benefits

Sprinting is an activity that comes with a lot of benefits. It goes without saying that to avail of those benefits, you must start right – that includes adopting the right running technique, choosing the right terrain, and warming up properly to avoid injury. Many studies have been performed on sprinting and the benefits are proven. Here are some of the benefits of sprinting.

1. Burns Fat Fast

Sprint interval training (SIT), being a high-intensity workout, reduces the subcutaneous fat (fat under the skin), especially around the abdominal areas. This facilitates overall weight loss of the body.1


A study even calls it a “time-efficient strategy for decreasing body fat while increasing aerobic capacity, peak running speed, and fat-free mass in healthy young women.”2

2. Improves Metabolism

Sprint interval training brings down the metabolic and vascular risk factors that make you vulnerable to conditions such as diabetes and stroke. A study performed on overweight sedentary men who had to complete 2 weeks of SIT showed an increase in insulin sensitivity and fat burning even when they rested. It also decreased the systolic blood pressure and carbohydrate oxidation in a fasting state. Simply put, SIT is found to reduce the risk for diabetes and hypertension and increase the rate of weight loss. In fact, the test subjects displayed a significant reduction in their waist circumference at the end of the 2-week study.3


3. Increases Muscle Strength

A 2012 study found that 30-second sprints spread out across a time period of 20 minutes enhanced the protein synthesis pathways in the body. This paves the way to muscle building, which can make the body leaner. A leaner body can sprint longer and faster.4 Building muscles is an effective and sustainable way to lose fat because muscles use up energy even when you are resting.

4. Improves Insulin Sensitivity

A study on sedentary young men showed that sprinting substantially improves the effectiveness of insulin even when the work done via sprinting is as low as 250 kcal/week.5 This is indeed good news for those who cannot exercise because of a time crunch and are suffering from high blood glucose-related disorders.


5. Is As Effective As Endurance Training

SIT is a time-efficient alternative to endurance training, and research has shown that it is just as effective. SIT increases the oxidative capacity of the muscles and improves more than one cardiac function. The increase in the oxidative capacity means that the muscle tissues have a higher rate of oxygen exchange. This makes the muscles more efficient and increases their stamina. As opposed to long-endurance runs, SIT takes less time for the muscles to develop.6

6. Improves Mood

Besides these advantages, sprinting is an activity that releases endorphins or the “feel-good hormones” into the blood stream. It benefits patients of depression and anxiety. Since it can be done anywhere, anytime and needs minimal gear, sprinting will not burn a hole in your pocket as most other exercises do. Besides that, sprinting is a natural movement for humans.


Should You Sprint?

If you are perfectly healthy, go for a sprint. Remember, though, before you start sprinting, you need to know how to prepare well for a sprint. Even if you have none of these ailments, a wrong sprinting technique can do you more harm than good.

But if you have week knees, arthritis, excessive body weight, and pre-existing cardiac issues, you may need to refrain from it. Based on your state of health and medical history, make an informed decision about it. It would also be a good idea to consult your doctor before taking up sprinting.



1 Nalcakan, Gulbin Rudarli.”The effects of sprint interval vs.continuous endurance training on physiological and metabolic adaptations in young healthy adults.” Journal of human kinetics 44, no.1 (2014):97-109.
2 Hazell, Tom J., Craig D. Hamilton, T. Dylan Olver, and Peter WR Lemon. “Running sprint interval training induces fat loss in women.” Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 39, no. 8 (2014): 944-950.
3 Whyte, Laura J., Jason MR Gill, and Andrew J. Cathcart. “Effect of 2 weeks of sprint interval training on health-related outcomes in sedentary overweight/obese men.” Metabolism 59, no. 10 (2010): 1421-1428.
4 Esbjörnsson, Mona, Håkan C. Rundqvist, Henrik Mascher, Ted Österlund, O. Rooyackers, Eva Blomstrand, and Eva Jansson. “Sprint exercise enhances skeletal muscle p70S6k phosphorylation and more so in women than in men.” Acta Physiologica 205, no. 3 (2012): 411-422.
5 Babraj, John A., Niels BJ Vollaard, Cameron Keast, Fergus M. Guppy, Greg Cottrell, and James A. Timmons. “Extremely short duration high-intensity interval training substantially improves insulin action in young healthy males.” BMC endocrine disorders 9, no. 1 (2009):3.
6 Cocks, Matthew, Christopher S. Shaw, Sam O. Shepherd, James P. Fisher, Aaron M. Ranasinghe, Thomas A. Barker, Kevin D. Tipton, and Anton JM Wagenmakers. “Sprint interval and endurance training are equally effective in increasing muscle microvascular density and eNOS content in sedentary males.” The Journal of physiology 591, no. 3 (2013):641-656.
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