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9 Surprising Health Benefits Of Fulvic Acid For Humans

fulvic acid benefits

Fulvic acid, a humic substance, is a major component of organic matter. It is an important ingredient of soil and is released when organic matter decomposes. During decomposition, millions of beneficial microbes are released, enhancing the nutritional components of fulvic acid. Occurring naturally, organic fulvic acids are created by soil-based micro-organisms to enable the plants to easily assimilate minerals and other nutrients.

Humic and fulvic acids are generally used as a soil supplement in agriculture.1 Less commonly, fulvic acid is obtained in a liquid form as a human nutritional supplement. Fulvic acid has always occurred naturally in organic plants and soils, and the discovery of its fantastic properties is being recognized as a major outstanding health and scientific breakthroughs of this century. Here are the benefits of fulvic acid on human health and its uses on plants.


1. Assists In Assimilation

Fulvic acid facilitates digestion and helps the body absorb nutrients from food. The presence of high levels of electrolytes and antioxidants in fulvic acid helps nutrient assimilation. They are a source of native probiotics and prebiotics that remain in the digestive system and help the body maintain a beneficial bacterial balance. Evidence shows that these substances are helpful in enabling the body to fight small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). The lack of fulvic acid in modern day foods has caused a nutritional deficiency in most people, especially in developed countries including the US. Though the nutrients and minerals are readily available in food, it is not efficiently absorbed by the body.2 Hence, fulvic acid is now usually taken as a supplement and is consumed along with meals or before meals for optimal absorption.


2. Aids Cellular Health

Fulvic acid increases the rate at which water enters the cells. This results in a balanced hydration and mineral levels and increases enzyme activity. Consumption of fulvic acid helps support efficient biochemical reactions in plants and animals and optimizes cell response.


3. Promotes Brain Health

Fulvic acid facilitates the transportation of nutrients into deep tissues and helps to overcome lethargy, tiredness, and chronic fatigue. It also serves as an effective tonic for cardiac, gastric, and nervous systems. It is an excellent adaptogen and an anti-stress agent. Fulvic acid has been shown to deter age-related cognitive impairment, jaundice, Alzheimer’s disease, anemia, and bronchitis.3 4 It is known to help in the recovery from autism.


4. Stimulates Metabolism

Fulvic acid has been known to cause the genetic mechanism of plants to perform at a higher level. Exposing plant cells in any means to fulvic acid has shown to improve their growth. Plant cells absorb oxygen more intensely in the presence of fulvic acids. Fulvic acid helps the oxygen to penetrate the roots and then quickly transports it to the shoots of plants. Fulvic acid relieves oxygen deficiency and increases the vital activity of cells.5 Fulvic acids alter the metabolism pattern of carbohydrates, resulting in an accumulation of soluble sugars. These soluble sugars increase the pressure of osmosis inside the cell wall and enable plants to withstand wilting. Fulvic acid enhances growth and stimulates the immune system.


5. Dissolves Silica

Fulvic acids are especially important because of their ability to complex or chelate metal ions and interact with silica. These interactions may increase the concentrations of metal ions and silica found in water solutions to levels that are far in excess of their assumed dissolution ability.6 7


6. Dissolves Minerals And Trace Elements

Fulvic acid is very effective in dissolving minerals and metals in solutions. The metallic minerals are dissolved into an ionic form and disappear into the fulvic structure becoming biochemically reactive and mobile. The fulvic acid transforms the metals and minerals into elaborate fulvic acid molecular complexes that have very different characteristics from their previous metallic mineral form.8 Fulvic acid is nature’s way of chelating metallic minerals, as it turns them into a bio-available form that can be easily absorbed. If the cell does not require these heavy metals and toxins, they are removed from the body.


7. Holistic Improvement

A person’s overall electric potential can be negatively affected due to the loss of fluids, emotional stress, sleep deprivation or even poor diet. By improving the electric balance in the cells, the body can be protected from illness, fatigue and other problems that arise because of low energy levels. Fulvic acid provides electrolytes that enhance the electric potential of cells. This also benefits mineral deficiencies that are caused at the cellular level. Without adequate levels of fulvic acid present in the body, deficiencies of iron, calcium, and magnesium can be more difficult for the cells to absorb. It equips the body with a protective mechanism and improves its self-healing potential. In addition, it boosts the healing of cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, wounds, and chronic pain.

8. Nature’s Electrolyte

Fulvic acid is an organic natural electrolyte that balances and energizes biological properties that it comes into contact with. Many studies have shown that the physical well-being of humans, animals, and plants and is determined by efficient electrical potential. Fulvic acid has proven to be a powerful organic electrolyte, serving to balance cell life.

9. Protects And Repairs Skin

Research shows that humic acids can help protect the skin and treat wounds or irritations caused by eczema, bug bites, scrapes and rashes associated with fungus or microbes. A study published in the Journal of Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigative Dermatology found that fulvic acid supplementation noticeably improved symptoms associated with eczema.9

In the past, fulvic acid has been extensively used as a remedy for skin rashes and in the treatment of skin reactions resulting from contact with poison ivy, poison oak, viral infections, spider bites and athlete’s foot. However, this treatment is based more on anecdotal evidence rather than clinical studies. Since fulvic acid improves circulation, boosts immunity and reduces pain, it can essentially treat infections.


1 Schnitzer, M. “Recent findings on the characterization of humic substances extracted from soils from widely differing climatic zones.” In Soil organic matter studies. 1977.
2, 3, 5 Carrasco-Gallardo, Carlos, Leonardo Guzmán, and Ricardo B. Maccioni. “Shilajit: a natural phytocomplex with potential procognitive activity.” International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2012 (2012).
4 Cornejo, Alberto, José M. Jiménez, Leonardo Caballero, Francisco Melo, and Ricardo B. Maccioni. “Fulvic acid inhibits aggregation and promotes disassembly of tau fibrils associated with Alzheimer’s disease.” Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 27, no. 1 (2011): 143-153.
6 Kodama, H., M. T. SCHNITZER, and M. Jaakkimainen. “Chlorite and biotite weathering by fulvic acid solutions in closed and open systems.” Canadian Journal of Soil Science 63, no. 3 (1983): 619-629.
9 Gandy, Justin J., Jacques R. Snyman, and Constance Ej Van Rensburg. “Randomized, parallel-group, double-blind, controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of carbohydrate-derived fulvic acid in topical treatment of eczema.” Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol 4 (2011): 145-148.
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