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First Aid: What Everybody Needs To Know

First aid is a crucial skill everybody needs to know. An emergency can strike any time, any place and knowing basic first aid procedures can help save someone’s life. You should be well versed with the procedures that need to be followed during an emergency. Since you will not have time to read the instructions, you should be able to react in the correct way until medical help arrives. Panicking and not knowing what to do can ruin someone’s chances of survival. You should be prepared with the techniques especially if your are looking after kids or the elderly. Here are a few situations that require first aid and the procedures you should follow in each situation.


1. When Someone Is Bleeding

For Small Cuts

Apply light pressure on the cut and the bleeding should stop within a few minutes. You can wash the cut properly and place a plaster on it.


For Deep Cuts

When someone receives a deep cut, profuse bleeding can occur. Such bleeding does not clot and the person runs a risk of bleeding out.


If bright red blood spurts out, it might be arterial bleeding, which can cause death. You should apply a lot of pressure on the wound with as many cloths as needed until medical help arrives. Do not attempt to clean the wound.

For Nosebleeds


Nosebleeds can be caused by trauma to the nose or by infections of the inner lining of the nose. Pinch the nose shut with your index finger and middle finger until the bleeding stops. Don’t make the victim lie down. Tilting the head back can cause more complications.

2. When Someone Is Choking


Choking can occur if the windpipe gets obstructed by chunks of food. You should perform a Heimlich maneuver in this situation.


3. When Someone Gets A Burn

When someone suffers a burn, it can get painful for the person. You should act quickly.


Do not put ice directly on the burned skin.

4. When Someone Has A Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac arrest can occur when the heart stops sending blood to the body and brain. Death can occur within minutes. You should be quick and should perform a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). CPR will keep the blood circulating until proper help arrives.

If the victim is a baby, use your fingers instead of your entire palm and apply less pressure.

You can perform CPR on a person who has been saved from drowning. First, check for breathing and a heartbeat. If you don’t notice any of the two then perform CPR until help arrives.

5. When Someone Is In Shock

When there is not enough blood flowing to the brain, a person can go into shock. Shock can occur due to accidents resulting in loss of blood, infections that result in loss of fluid, or due to allergic reactions. A person in shock may get cold, pale, sweaty, dizzy, disoriented, or faint. Breathing will be slow and the person can lose consciousness.

Do not offer the victim water as it might cause choking.

6. When A Person Suffers From Hypothermia

When a person’s body temperature drops lower than the core temperature, probably due to exposure to cold temperature, they can suffer from hypothermia. Symptoms include uncontrollable shivering, drowsiness, bad muscle coordination, and slow breathing.

Do not give drinks containing alcohol or caffeine to the victim.

7. When Someone Becomes Unconscious

A person can become unconscious due to illness or injury. The victim will not respond to stimuli. It can be caused by low blood sugar, low blood pressure, hyperventilation, trauma, dehydration, stroke, and seizures.

Providing first aid to a person is only one step toward helping a victim. Always call 911 during an emergency, and do not try to take the entire matter into your own hands. Always be aware of your situation and provide your help when necessary.

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