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Ayurveda Secrets For Boosting Digestion And Immunity

Ayurveda views digestion with a little different twist. It is based on the five element theory, which means that all matter and energy is either one or a combination of space, air, fire, water, and earth. Agni (the fire element), in Ayurveda is responsible for all bodily transformations and is responsible for all metabolic processes such as digestion, absorption and assimilation which lead to the transforming of food into tissue layers.

If digestion is not working optimally – energy, health and the ability of the body to heal and renew is impaired. Digestion is impaired in many ways, mainly how and what we eat. If you eat too much processed foods that have lots of toxic chemicals, skip meals or eat heavy meals your digestive system goes out of sync and your health begins to decline. Indigestion, bloating, acid reflex, constipation, catching every bug that goes around, taking long periods of time to heal and low energy levels are all signs that the digestive system is in distress.


Thus, according to Ayurveda, having healthy digestion is the key to having great overall health. Here, we have 11 ayurvedic tips that focus on natural ways to improve and boost your “digestive fire”.

[expert_opinion expertname=’ToddCaldecott’ opinion=”One of the most important rules of eating in Ayurveda is to not eat when you aren’t hungry, and avoid over-eating. People often eat for reasons other than hunger, such as when they’re feeling emotional, but this is best avoided.”]


Ayurveda View: The 6 Stages Of Digestion

Ayurveda recognizes 6 stages to the digestive process – ‘Sweet Stage’, ‘Sour Stage’, ‘Salty Stage’, ‘Pungent Stage’ and ‘Bitter Stage’. Each of these 6 stages relates to one of the corresponding 6 tastes. Digestion requires 6 or more hours to complete. Each of the following 6 stages relates to one hour. Read more to find out the functioning of these 6 stages of digestion in Ayurveda.


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Importance Of Digestion For Boosting Immunity In Ayurveda


The science of Ayurveda declares that ‘optimum digestion’ is our best ally in building our immunity. If we want to build a healthy immunity we should not merely blindly swallow pills and supplements, but actually take stock of what we are eating in our daily diet, and then survey how we are digesting, adequately or not; and further, eliminating what we have eaten, or not. Here is a Ayurvedic – beneficial diet and some Ayurvedic herbs to aid digestion and boost your immunity.

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4 Natural Ways Ayurveda Supports Healthy Digestion

Are you experiencing heaviness, bloating, and pain upon elimination? If you are struggling with any of these digestive challenges; here are some ayurvedic recommendations for health-increasing dietary and lifestyle practices that support healthy digestion.


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How To Fight Indigestion Using Ayurveda


The usual culprits of heartburn are spicy or fried foods, as well as caffeine and alcohol. There are certain foods and beverages recommended in Ayurveda that will work wonders to help soothe your indigestion. So, just in case you are fighting indigestion; these natural herbs, home remedies and Ayurveda healing tips are for you!

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Food Habits To Follow For Better Health

For effective digestion – stop multitasking during meals; it reduces your body’s absorption power. Consume a juice of ginger, lemon and salt before meals to trigger digestive fire (Agni). Avoid cold drinks and processed foods that cause stomach bloating and discomfort. Lassi helps get rid of gas and cramps and Triphala boosts detoxification and improves nutrient absorption.

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7 Ayurvedic Tips To Get Your Gut In Shape

Are you sick of feeling tired, sluggish and bloated after eating? Following these 7 Ayurvedic secrets will drastically improve your digestion. Try them yourself and you may feel the difference in your body!

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Adopting Ancient Ayurveda Wisdom Into Your Kitchen

Ayurvedic spices are natural medicines. They are the key to digestion, tissue nourishment, and cleansing of the body. When used in moderation, on a regular basis, in our cooking, they keep us happy and healthy. Adding Ayurvedic spices to your daily food is a great way to prevent disease and optimize health. Here are some popular Ayurvedic spices to get you started!

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Why Ayurveda Discourages Eating Fruits Before/After Meals?

From an Ayurvedic perspective, fresh fruit is considered very light and easy to digest – comparatively lighter than other foods. When it is eaten with (or after) heavier foods, it stays in the stomach for as long as the heaviest food takes to digest. As a result, it generally stays in the stomach for too long, is ‘overcooked’ by our digestive juices and begins to ferment. In Ayurveda, this resultant over-cooked, fermented mess is referred to as ‘Ama‘ or improperly digested food toxins.

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Ayurveda View: Is Raw Food Healthier Than Cooked Food?

Generally we have the notion that raw foods are rich in natural nutrients and enzymes and more beneficial for human body. Yet the Ayurvedic literatures, including the Charaka Samhita, mainly recommend a cooked food diet which is assumed to be easily digestible as well as Prana (the vital life energy) energizing.

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3 Day Ayurveda Digestive Reset For Increased Energy And Health

Digestion has its own energy and daily rhythms which rise and fall, making you slightly hungry in the morning, very hungry midday and moderately hungry at the end of your day. In between these times, digestion shuts down your appetite so it can digest what has been eaten. When the digestive process is complete, your appetite renews. If this process is interrupted or thrown off, your body becomes confused and appetite and digestion start to overlap which decreases your digestive power and your body’s overall vitality.

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