
Leo Babauta

Leo Babauta is a simplicity blogger & author. He created Zen Habits, a Top 25 blog (according to TIME magazine) with 260,000 subscribers, mnmlist.com, and the best-selling books focus, The Power of Less, and Zen To Done. Babauta is a former journalist of 18 years, a husband, father of six children, and in 2010 moved from Guam to San Francisco, where he leads a simple life.

5 Questions To Simplify Your Life During The Holidays

For many people, the holiday season is the busiest, most complicated, most stressful time of year. Holiday parties, gift shopping and wrapping, decorating, travel plans, end-of-the-year projects,...

Feel Overwhelmed And Rushed? Do a Stress Assess

If you find yourself rushing from task to task, worried that you don’t have time to do everything, or if you are shouldering a...

When Resistance Smacks You In The Face.

As a writer, one of the most frightening sights I face is the blank page. It fills me with doubt, uncertainty, dread, sometimes a...

The Biggest Reasons You Haven’t Changed Your Habits.

Like a chump, I struggled for years trying to change my habits. I started an exercise program or diet with unrestrained optimism, probably a...

A Guide to Changing Self-Destructive Behavior.

Our Self Destructive Behaviour I have a reader who wants to make positive changes in her life, but can’t seem to stop certain behaviors. She writes: “I...

8 Easy Ways To Discipline Yourself

A craftsman masters his trade by repeated practice, with care and continual learning, with devotion to the purpose. It takes the same kinds of things...

7 Strategies for Facing Your TV And Internet Addiction

The electronic trap: How do you beat something so addictive as the Internet, or TV — things most of us find ourselves increasingly immersed in,...

The Lies Your Mind Tells You To Prevent Life Changes.

The mind is a wonderful thing. It’s also a complete liar that constantly tries to convince us not to take actions we know are...

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