
CureJoy Editorial

The CureJoy Editorial team digs up credible information from multiple sources, both academic and experiential, to stitch a holistic health perspective on topics that pique our readers' interest.

Can Garlic Help Lower Your Cholesterol? What Studies Say

Garlic can potentially lower cholesterol, with some studies recording a 12% dip in total cholesterol while others peg this at 4–6%. However, the effect seems to be short-lived and not firmly established. Incorporate garlic into your meals as part of a holistic diet along with other antioxidants.

Health Benefits Of Elderberry Tea: 9 Reasons To Savor A Cuppa!

Elderberry tea has antioxidant properties and can strengthen your immune system. It helps you fight the flu and cold and may ease constipation, pain, and depression. It’s also good for your heart as it can counter HDL dysfunction and help manage your blood sugar levels.

Fun And Simple Yoga For Kids: 8 Poses To Try And Tips To Get Started

Yoga isn’t just for adults! Asanas like the tree or corpse pose can help improve your child’s concentration and physical and mental health. The upward facing dog and happy baby pose are designed to ease fatigue and anxiety. And for that characteristic stretch and physical feel-good factor, have your child try the bridge, cat, bow, and warrior poses.

11 Proven Health Benefits Of Yoga For Children

Yoga has much to offer children – from physical benefits like enhanced strength, flexibility, better posture, improved immunity to mental benefits like reduced stress, better self-esteem, and confidence. It also benefits children with special needs like autism and ADHD and specific medical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome and asthma.

13 Home Remedies To Fight Rosacea Or Adult Acne

Rosacea is a skin condition characterized by reddening and inflammation of the skin. Avoid triggers like sunlight, spicy or hot foods, and alcohol and use only gentle skin-care products. Applying green tea, bitterwood, chrysanthemum, kanuka honey, or milk thistle can help. So can colloidal oats, aloe vera, licorice, and turmeric.

7 Benefits Of Yograj Guggulu, The Multi-Herb Ayurvedic Remedy

Yograj guggulu is an ayurvedic formulation made with 28 herbs, with guggulu as its main component. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and is used to tackle problems like arthritis, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and PMS. It may also be useful in depression and gastrointestinal problems.

12 Benefits Of Spearmint Tea For Better Health

Packed with antioxidants, spearmint tea can help combat hormonal imbalance like PCOS, improve digestion, boost immunity and fight chronic diseases like cancer. This invigorating herbal brew boosts respiratory and heart health, reduces inflammation, prevents bad breath, provides natural stress relief, and improves memory.

9 Natural Remedies That Will Help Tackle Pleurisy

Pleurisy or inflammation of the membrane which covers your lungs and chest cavity, can cause chest pain. Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving natural remedies like ginger, honey, tulsi, and caraway can help tackle it. So can turmeric, garlic, and slippery elm. Sleeping on the affected side may ease pain.

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