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Easy Ashwagandha Recipes: Tea, Tincture, Smoothies, And Chocolate



Ashwagandha has been used as a key herb in traditional Ayurvedic medicine – as a bulk promoter, purgative, aphrodisiac, and as a general tonic for overall physical and mental health. Every part of the ashwagandha plant – roots, leaves, and fruits – can be used in herbal remedies.

You can stock up and consume ashwagandha on a daily basis, typically 1–2 tsps a day. Here are some easy recipes to include ashwagandha in your daily diet.


Ashwagandha Tea

Ashwagandha Tea With Milk And Cardamom

Ashwagandha Tincture

Ashwagandha tincture has many known health benefits, including pain relief and improving urinary health.

Ashwagandha Smoothie With Dandelion And Basil

Dandelion root is well-known for its healthful properties and liver support. It pairs well with milk, chocolate, and honey. Ashwagandha increases stamina, reduces stress and fatigue, and balances hormones. Holy basil is also an adaptogen that helps combat stress.


Blend the following into a smooth consistency:

Ashwagandha Chocolate

Add ashwagandha to raw chocolate and other healthy ingredients to make this refreshing dessert minus the guilt pangs!


Ashwagandha and Ghee Mixture

Ashwagandha Recipes From The Charaka Samhita

Charaka, one of the founding fathers of Ayurveda, and author of the seminal Charaka Samhita, goes into great detail into the medicinal properties of various herbs and how to include them in recipes. Here are a few recipes where ashwagandha finds a mention:

Skin Ointment

Here’s a recipe for a skin ointment for topical application which relieves itching, boils, urticarial patches, skin diseases, and various types of edema:


Decoction To Purify Breast Milk

Aphrodisiac Decoction

An ancient libido-boosting recipe – the claim might very well be true given the variety of healthy herbs that go into its preparation.

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