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5 Healthy Bee Pollen Recipes And Possible Side Effects

5 Healthy Bee Pollen Recipes And Potential Side Effects

You know all about the various ways in which you can use honey. But what about bee pollen? The pollen ball packed by honeybees...

5 Stress-Busting Foods You Can Eat To Stay Calm

The combination of monounsaturated fatty acids and potassium in avocados is helpful in lowering blood pressure and alleviating stress, while blueberries and dark chocolate are rich in oxidative stress-reducing antioxidants. Turkey contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid that triggers serotonin release, a hormone that is important for regulating sleep and mood. Cashews on the other hand, are loaded with zinc, a mineral that helps our body combat stress.

Love Chocolate? Make A Healthy Choice With These 7 Tips

To get the most out of chocolate, learn how to pick the right kind. Look for minimal ingredients that list cocoa or cacao first. Experts recommend eating dark chocolate that’s 72 percent cocoa or higher. Watch out for allergen and high-fructose corn syrup, or any of its variations. For optimal benefits, buy organic and fair-trade. Choose quality over quality! A small bar of dark chocolate is better than a large bag of milk chocolate.
Health Benefits Of A Nutritious Diet Include Lower Risk Of Developing Cardiovascular Disease Among Others

10 Foods That Help Keep Our Hearts Healthy

One cannot deny that eating healthy provides a resolution to a variety of health problems. Among the many health benefits of a nutritious diet,...

Health Benefits Of Your Favorite Foods

Popular foods like potato, berries, oats, and chocolate are not only delicious but also healthy! Most of them are loaded with antioxidants, which promote your heart and brain health. Although not strictly considered foods, oregano and green tea are other popular yet healthy options to include in your diet. However, remember to enjoy them in moderation as eating too much could cause more harm than good.

Turn Junk Food Into Healthy Food With These 9 Easy Food Swaps

After a big party, the notion of going on a diet to become healthy sounds like a good idea, and so you do a...
Superfoods do not belong to a specific food group but include a wide variety of foods that are packed with nutrients

Are These 5 Superfoods Really Good For You?

Superfoods do not belong to a specific food group but include a wide variety of foods that are packed with nutrients. They are gaining...

7 Natural Ways To Increase Feel-Good Hormones

When you’re feeling down, certain habits and activities will turn things around. Try sipping on water, as mild dehydration may cause irritability and fatigue. Soak up the sun to promote serotonin production. Snack on dark chocolate, a sweet treat that reduces cortisol, the stress hormone. Eating fatty fish will also offer brain-friendly omega-3 fats. To recharge the mind, practice aromatherapy, meditation, and yoga. The benefits are even greater when combined.

9 Health Myths You Need To Get Out Of Your Head

We may have been advised us to do certain things in a certain way, in order to preserve our health. Some of these “health...

Five Things To Remember When Buying Chocolate

There are two kinds of food. Food that we love eating and food that is healthy for us. Sometimes, there occurs an intersection between...
Consuming natural sugars is healthy

The Truth Behind Healthy Sugar Intake

Avoiding added sugar is a no-brainer, but what about sugar in healthy foods? The fructose in fruits seems off-putting, but it's fine to eat 1 ½ to 2 cups of fruit each day. It has fiber, which will actually regulate blood sugar. Eating dark chocolate twice a week offers health benefits, while using honey in moderation is a natural way to sweeten food. Flavored and non-fat yogurt has added sugar so choose low or full-fat.
Health Benefits Of Chocolate

12 Proven Health Benefits Of Chocolate: Bitter Is Better

Have dark chocolate daily. With its antioxidants, chocolate improves blood circulation, boosts immunity, lowers stress, and even halts age-related memory loss. It's good for diabetics since it reduces insulin resistance, for pregnant women, and for weight watchers. Go for chocolates with at least 70% cocoa and have at most 4 squares a day. Have milk chocolates to reduce stress, but keep the intake low.

4 Paleo Indulgences You Didn’t Know Are Good For You

Paleo diet doesn't allow you to have cheese cravings but there are indulgence foods like dark chocolate, coffee, butter, and red wine that will satisfy your cravings. Paleo indulgences like these can have a positive effect on your health and make you happy at the same time. It can reduce the risk of major diseases like cancer, heart disease, and even diabetes.

5 Not-So-Typical Nutrition Tips For Weight Loss

Eating for weight loss doesn’t stop at fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Enjoy more ginger to support digestion and lower BMI. To enhance muscle recovery, drink tart cherry juice after a workout or before bed. Healthier muscles will burn more calories at rest. Probiotics bring on intestinal satiety, while the capsaicin in hot peppers makes more energy-burning brown cells. Occasionally snack on antioxidant-rich dark chocolate, a treat that’s linked to low BMI.
Simple Swaps To Kick Your Caffeine Habit

 5 Healthy Alternatives To Caffeine

Caffeine is addictive and causes palpitations, headaches, insomnia, and stomach aches. Hence it's important to find healthier alternatives to it. Switch your morning cuppa with herbal teas. They are calming and fight insomnia. Drink smoothies on your breaks instead of coffee. They are filled with nutrients and fiber and prevent bloating. Switch chocolaty desserts with carob and nuts which are heart healthy and nutritious. Lastly, opt for coconut water over commercial drinks for an energy boost.