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Top 10 Yoga Poses To Improve Your Sex Life Vastly

Improve Your Sex Life

10 Yoga Poses That Improve Your Sex Life

Have you ever wondered why people who practice yoga on a regular basis seem so happy and at peace? It could be because couples who do yoga frequently experience a huge boost in the overall quality of their sex lives and energy levels.

From increased stamina and flexibility to better self-confidence and heightened body sensitivity, the connection between yoga and long-lasting sex is crystal clear. Yoga can benefit both men and women in the bedroom, so if you and your partner are looking for a way to spice things up between the sheets, it may be time to head to the yoga studio.


Though all yoga positions have their benefits, yoga instructors recommend these as the top 10 positions for improved sexual function.

1. Sitting Wide-Legged Straddle Pose Or Upavistha Konasana

Sitting Wide-Legged Straddle Pose – Image Credit @Fitsugar

This pose is said to really amp up the blood flow to the groin area and improve the flexibility and motility of your hips as well.


How To Do This Pose:

2. Legs-Up-The Wall Pose Or Viparita Karani


This pose focuses on overall circulation in the pelvic area.

How To Do This Pose:


[Also Read: Exercise To Increase Your Sexual Stamina in Bed]

3. Child Pose Or Balasana


This pose helps to relax both the mind and body, and can effectively clear away the stress of the day to allow you to focus on your partner.

How To Do This Pose:


4. Bridge Pose Or Setu Bandhasana

The bridge pose targets the muscles at the pelvic floor, which can lead to stronger, more controlled orgasms.


How To Do This Pose:

5. Lotus Pose Or Padmasana

The lotus pose promotes flexibility of the hip and thigh muscles, which are central to most sexual positions.

How To Do This Pose:

[Also Read: How To Increase Your Sexual Stamina Naturally]

6. Plow Pose Or Halasana

The plow pose increases blood flow to the brain to enhance alertness and stimulation. It also stretches the back to reduce the risk of injury during sex.

How To Do This Pose:

7. Eagle Pose Or Garudasana

The eagle pose is a visually alluring position that enhances circulation in the cervical area, which may make it more pleasurably sensitive during intercourse.

How To Do This Pose:

[Also Read: What Is Tantric Sex]

8. Goddess Pose Or Utkata Konasana

Goddess Pose – Image Credit @DoYouYoga

Every woman wants to feel like a goddess, and the goddess pose can help with that. As an added bonus, this pose works wonders to alleviate the pain of menstruation.

How To Do This Pose:

9. Downward Dog Pose Or Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward dog is one of the most basic of all yoga poses, and is essential to learn if you plan to do yoga regularly.

How To Do This Pose:

10. Lizard Pose Or Utthan Pristhasana

Lizard Pose – Image Credit @CrossFit Warrior Spirit

Like the lotus pose, the lizard pose promotes flexibility in the hips and pelvis.

How To Do This Pose:

How Does Yoga Improve Sex Life?

1. Boosts Stamina

It’s such a letdown to realize that you need to take a breather during sex because you simply don’t have the stamina to continue. Yoga employs techniques for building core stability and muscle control, all while making you breathe hard and build up a sweat. Your increased stamina can only lead to longer-lasting sex between you and your partner, and you’ll be thrilled to realize how much longer you can keep up with the rigorous demands of a healthy sex life.

[Also Read: Importance Of Sex In A Healthy Relationship]

2. Increases Muscle Control

Yoga teaches muscle control in all areas of the body, including the pelvis and groin. Men who experience the common problem of premature ejaculation will find that they can control muscles in the groin and pelvis better, which can lead to increased endurance during sexual performance.

Women benefit from the same muscle control techniques, and many women find that female-dominant sex positions that were too difficult to hold for long in the past become easier after practicing yoga.

3. Improves Strength And Flexibility

One of the most marked characteristics in people who practice yoga is a more advanced level of flexibility, which can really come in handy if you want to get a little more creative with your repertoire of sexual positions. If you’ve ever looked at a Kama Sutra and thought that some of the positions seemed outlandishly difficult, you might think again once yoga improves your range of motion and flexibility.

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