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10 Warning Signs Of A Gluten Intolerance

Gluten intolerance is an allergic reaction to gluten in the digestive tract. This condition has been a silent curse for years. Now finally, it is starting to get the attention it deserves. Nevertheless, most of us aren’t well aware of the signs and symptoms of gluten intolerance. 

If you’ve experienced any of the following 10 symptoms after eating foods containing gluten, it might be time to think about modifying your diet! 


1. Digestive Issues

Some common symptoms revolve around the digestive tract. Problems like bloating, gas, diarrhea or constipation that crop up as soon as you have ingested gluten could mean that your body is gluten intolerant. Constipation, in particular, is a common symptom observed in children who are gluten intolerant.

2. Keratosis Pilaris


This condition is also known as ‘chicken skin’ and is characterized by the appearance of red rashes on your arms and shoulders. This happens as a result of your body being deficient in a fatty acid, along with vitamin A deficiency triggered by the gluten-damage in your tummy.

3. Loss Of Energy Or Attention


Lethargy and brain fog are some common signs that are observed in people who are gluten intolerant. If you feel dizzy, or super tired and confused soon after you have consumed gluten, then it would be safe to assume that your body cannot handle it. Get yourself checked to make sure everything is okay before the allergic reactions get more serious.

4. Diagnosis Of An Autoimmune DiseaseAnother alarm your body would send you regarding its incapability to digest gluten is by contracting an autoimmune disease. This happens to be one of the more serious ones among the said symptoms. The diseases you could be diagnosed with could include lupus, psoriasis, arthritis, ulcerative colitis, scleroderma, and multiple sclerosis.


5. Neurological Symptoms

Feeling dizzy or lightheaded is yet another symptom that can cause you a lot of inconveniences. Neurological symptoms such as these tend to surface as soon as you have consumed something that has gluten in them. Other signs could include clammy skin, breaking in a cold sweat, and feeling squeamish.

6. Infertility


Hormonal imbalances too could signify that your body cannot stand gluten, especially in women. Conditions like PCOS, PMS or infertility could be the signs of underlying gluten intolerance. Get yourself thoroughly checked if this is the case, especially if these predicaments do not run in your genes.

7. Migraines

Do you keep getting splitting headaches soon after you have had a sandwich? Have you noticed a pattern in your migraines? Then it could be because they are closely related to the foods you are consuming. A common medical advice given to people who suffer from severe headaches is to keep away from gluten.


8. Chronic Fatigue Or Fibromyalgia

Though there is no scientific backing regarding why gluten intolerance can trigger fatigue, it definitely is a common sign of this condition. This could be very dangerous if not diagnosed correctly and dealt with appropriately. Many studies also show how this is one of the symptoms that keep recurring even after you have eliminated gluten from your diet.

9. Joint Pain

Gluten intolerance can also trigger inflammation and swelling in your joints. gluten, when introduced into your body can cause an inflammatory response in your body, causing you to be in a lot of pain and discomfort. This joint pain is often mistaken by many to be rheumatoid arthritis, preventing them from getting proper treatment.


10.  Mood Swings

Mood swings and other mental illnesses that crop up out of the blue too could be due to gluten. If you find yourself snapping at people unnecessarily or feeling anxious for trivial reasons, it could be because the gluten your body was exposed to is reacting.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, keep a food journal for 30 days and experiment with an elimination diet. Remove gluten for at least two weeks (longer if possible) and then slowly re-introduce it. If your symptoms decreased when you were off gluten but reappeared when gluten was added back, you know you have a sensitivity.

If such cases, by removing gluten from your daily diet, you will have more energy, experience better mood, have better digestion, and feel better overall than you have in years!

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