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5 Reasons Men Should Do Yoga

Yoga isn’t just for women. Men are more prone to heart problems, but a regular practice can offer protection. It’ll reduce blood pressure and heart rate, two major factors of heart disease. Yoga also increases lung capacity, balance, and muscle strength. This is great news for athletic performance! These benefits even decrease the risk of injury, whether you’re lifting weights or boxing. Are you nervous about attending a class? Try yoga at home first.

4 Ways To Make Your Yoga Practice More Creative With Props

If you're a yoga beginner or have tried a yoga session just for fun, you know that transitioning into different poses and maintaining your...

9 Effective Yoga Poses For Women Over 60

Aging is not an easy process for either men or women. However, for women, aging can bring its own challenges that most men may...
Ayurveda recommends certain diets, asanas, and herbs to lower cholesterol levels in the body.

What Ayurveda Says About The Reduction Of Cholesterol

It is a misconception that cholesterol is bad for your body. Cholesterol is an oil-based substance produced in the body as well as taken...

5 Yoga Poses For Firm And Healthy Breasts

Poses such as the bhujangasana, viprita karani, and shirshasana help strengthen the abdominal muscles, spine, and torso, naturally providing support for the breasts. The trikonasana and the virabhadrasana do the same, providing flexibility and strength. Regular practice of these poses will help shape, lift, and tone your breasts naturally.
Arm Balances And Improving Stability While Doing Them

4 Arm Balances And Improving Stability While Doing Them

Looking to build upper body strength? Try arm balance yoga poses like the plank pose, side plank pose, four-limbed staff pose, and crow pose. To improve stability while doing them, spread your fingers, engage your core muscles, and split the poses up into parts and practice.
Yoga Poses That Are Rough On Your Spine And How To Avoid Injury

Yoga Poses That Are Rough On Your Spine And How To Avoid Injury

If you’re new to yoga, it can be very easy to hurt your spine doing these yoga poses if you’re practicing them wrong or maintaining a poor form while holding the pose. By being aware of where you’re going wrong with your pose, you can make sure your spine goes through minimal damage while making your back fit and healthy and as flexible as possible. Forward folds, backbends, and spinal twists are three of the poses that are most likely to hurt your back if not done correctly.
7 Health Benefits Of Sirsasana Or Headstand Pose

7 Health Benefits Of Sirsasana Or Headstand Pose

Sirsasana or the headstand pose increases blood circulation to the brain, improving concentration and memory. It also teaches the individual the art of balancing and improves balancing skills. This pose strengthens the core and shoulder and arm muscles. It improves digestion and helps remove the toxins and other waste materials from the body. It relieves stress and also reduces fluid retention or edema.
Yoga Poses Can Improve Your Sex Life And Your Health

Top 10 Yoga Poses To Reignite Your Sex Life

Aging makes our body go through significant changes and some of these have a major influence on our sexuality. Sexual problems such as erectile...

5 More Reasons To Take Your Yoga Practice Outdoors

Yoga has become so popular that studios have mushroomed at every corner. If you're a beginner, you may need a few months of studio...

Fundamentals Of Tantra And Its Importance In Modern Times

Traditional/classic Tantra is a spiritual practice intended to balance the four elements in our life – earth, water, fire, and air – through the fifth element...

Enhance Your Child’s Physical And Mental Well-being Through Yogic Wisdom

The yogic practices are there for a reason, they are there to help enhance the mind and body health of your child. It is also possible to stop or significantly reduce the gland issues that a child may possess during a certain period in his/her life. These practices help regulate the gland and hormonal activity and help keep the body and mind at a balance. Those practices are the acupressure therapy, mudra healing, chakra balancing and the chakra balancing practice.

Find Your Path To Bliss Through Music With Nada Yoga

There are different forms of yoga, and you can choose based on your natural inclination and tendencies. While hatha yoga follows the path of energy,...

5 Benefits Of Hot Tub Yoga You Should Know About

Hot tub yoga poses help in a variety of ways for not just regular people but also for athletes as well as by keeping them relaxed as well as energetic. They also help in circulation of blood, use of essential oils, helping with senior citizens, loosening the muscles and also providing with a hydrotherapy. The various poses for this include the wave pose, the half boat pose and the breakwater pose.
5 Ways Yoga Exercises Can Help Cure Back Pain.

This Is Why Yoga Can Help Cure Back Pain

Back pain can be a horrible experience, and yoga can help alleviate it in so many ways. By helping us be more fluid and more aware of our bodies, we can cure and prevent back pain as well as protect ourselves from future injuries. By breathing and relaxing, we can also cut down on stress that contributes to back pain and makes us too weary to function properly. Long-term Imbibing yoga into our daily routine can help sustain not just a healthy back but also a mind that’s free of worries.