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Tips To Get The Most Out Of Light Therapy

As winter approaches you may feel more sluggish than usual. You may want to snuggle up in your warm, cozy bed the entire day...

6 Ancient Recuperation Practices For New Mothers

Being a new mother can be very hard on the mind and body of the mother. So it is important to practice some of the ancient techniques that make the new mother's body and mind feel relaxed and healthy. These practices were used in the ancient times as a remedy for this very same purpose. They are eating healing foods, acupressure, self massage, root lock breath, makara mudra and the various yoga asanas intended for this problem and also balance out the hormones.

3 Top Benefits Of Face Yoga For Beautiful Skin

Facial yoga provides lot of benefits including providing a beautiful and glowing skin. It is also very cheap compared to the other expensive face creams and other supplements that claim to enhance the skin and make it glow. Facial yoga also helps relax the facial muscles that are stressed a lot during the day and throughout ones lives. Lastly facial yoga helps to create body awareness and self love by focusing on the most important part of your body aesthetically which is the face.

Yoga: An Effective Therapy For The Treatment Of Back Pain

A recent study has shown that yoga is as effective as physical therapy in the treatment of back pain. Subjects who practiced yoga and those who visited a physical therapist showed similar improvement in pain. Yoga poses that can ease back pain and provide strength and flexibility to the spine include Marjariasana, Shishuasana, and Trikonasana.

How Can A Hypermobile Person Practice Yoga Safely?

Whenever you imagine someone practicing yoga, you imagine them twisted in some weird position or simply carrying the weight of their body with their...
Yoga Poses Can Relieve Pain And Treat Cervical Spondylosis

8 Yoga Poses For Pain In Chronic Cervical Spondylosis

Chronic cervical spondylosis is a form of arthritis that affects the joints and discs in the neck. As you age, the cartilages and bones...
7 Yoga Poses For Shapely Thighs And Hips

7 Yoga Poses For Shapely Thighs And Hips

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that aims at achieving the perfect balance between the body and the mind. Numerous health benefits are associated with the regular practice of yoga, which has led to its worldwide popularity. Besides promoting health, yoga can also help you burn excess fat. The poses mentioned here help you shape up your thighs and hips.

5 Yoga Poses To Calm Your Racing Mind

Yoga can become an adequate stress buster and heal your body and mind completely. Some stress-busting poses for your fast-paced mind are as follows: The lotus pose helps to get the blood flowing throughout the body and relaxes the nervous system. The eagle pose helps with maintaining balance and relaxing the tight torso muscles. The cow face pose, the handstand, the tiptoe, and pranayama all help relax the mind.
Breathing is important during yoga

4 Reasons Why Breathing Is Important During Yoga

Yoga is as much about controlling your breath as controlling your body. The focus of a yoga instructor is to bring your attention to how you breathe. You are told to be calm, comfortable, and relaxed while doing the asanas. Breathing here is important because it tunes the mind to focus on one thing at a time. This, in turn, provides many physical and psychological benefits.

7 Yoga Poses That Increase Your Sex Drive And Why

Everyone does yoga for their own reasons. Some want to be flexible, some want to become more spiritual, and some people do it because...

Unleash Pent-Up Energy With This Powerful Lunar Yoga Flow

The moon has a significant influence on all life on Earth. According to yoga, especially Hatha yoga, your energies also rise and fall like the...
Simple And Effective Beginner Yoga Poses For Relaxation

Simple And Effective Beginner Yoga Poses For Relaxation

Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India and has gained worldwide popularity in the recent years. It offers a plethora of physical and mental health benefits and can transform our lives for the better. Yoga involves performing specific poses and concentrates on the breathing. The end result is a relaxed mind and body that is capable of performing better.

5 Mudras You Can Practice For Better Health

Our world has become extremely fast paced and so have our lives. The need for immediate results and answers have us on our toes...
Yoga poses to help with tight hip flexors

7 Yoga Poses To Help Relieve Tight Hip Flexors

Hip flexors are attached to your spine and bones in the pelvis, thigh, and knees and let you bend forward. If they’re too tight, back pain and injury are likely. Loosen them up with the butterfly pose, low lunge, or the downward-facing dog for a full body stretch. To strengthen and lengthen the hamstrings, try standing and seated forward bends. For a backward bend, try the camel or bow pose.
yoga is beneficial for an athletes's performance

7 Yoga Poses For Athletes To Improve Their Routine

Yoga is perfect for boosting athletic performance and you can start by strengthening the muscles around the spine. The dolphin plank pose, bridge pose, and bow pose will give you a strong core. The supine spinal twist improves your range of motion. The garland pose and happy baby pose can reduce the risk of injury and protect the hips, knees, and ankles. The seated forward bend prevents tight hamstrings.