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Bhringraj Oil: An Ayurvedic Approach To Solve Hair Troubles

Bhringraj oil, also known as the king of hair, can fight your daily hair problems. Massaging the oil onto the scalp and leaving it overnight can promote hair growth and fight dryness, thereby preventing dandruff. Premature graying due to pollution and exposure to chemicals can be treated with a mixture of bhringraj oil and neem or amla oil.

5 DIY Face Mask Recipes With Charcoal

Whenever we have an upcoming event and the acne and blemishes are wreaking havoc on our skin, we become skeptical about attending the event itself....

7 Ways To Use Coconut Oil As A Skincare Product

On the skin, coconut oil is extremely versatile. Use it as a gentle makeup remover at the end of the long day. As a face wash, coconut oil will do away with dirt and excess sebum. You can also apply it on the skin and lips for a moisturizing effect. Thanks to its antimicrobial benefits, coconut oil works as an acne spot treatment and wound protectant. Slather it on to relieve irritation and redness from a sunburn.

How To Fight Hair Loss With Bhringraj Oil

In Ayurveda, bhringraj or “false daisy” is used as a medicinal herb. The oil is used as a traditional remedy for hair loss and may be more effective than minoxidil, the commercial hair growth chemical. Simply warm up the oil and massage it into the scalp. For more benefits, add peppermint oil to encourage blood flow and coconut milk for hydration. Bhringraj will even control stress and skin inflammation, two factors that worsen hair loss.

Henna: A Natural Remedy For All Your Hair Problems

Improved hair growth, reduced hair fall, conditioned hair, reduced dandruff and a healthy scalp are some of the benefits of using henna hair mask periodically. It also acts as a natural hair dye and has been used for thousands of years by people from various countries such as India and Egypt. This hair treatment is equally beneficial for those with dry hair or oily scalp.

The Reason Behind Why Your Pubic Hair Grows So Fast

If you like to trim yourself down there regularly to keep the situation under control, you might get annoyed by how fast your pubic...

8 Tips To Help Care For Acne-Prone Skin

Acne is a skin condition that is characterized by the presence of pimples, blackheads, and bumps on the skin which occur as a result...

5 Simple Habits That Will Help You Control Adult Acne

Adult acne affects more women than you think. It often develops because of hormonal imbalances, but certain habits can keep it in check. Limit or avoid dairy products, which increase the same growth hormone from puberty. Refined grains and fried foods increase sebum production, so steer clear of them. Control inflammation by making stress relief a priority. If you smoke, quit. The habit lowers antioxidants, which then alters sebum composition.

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