
Lhamo Kyi


7 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Various Kinds Of White Spots On Your Skin

On vitiligo patches, apply a turmeric and mustard oil formula or radish seed paste mixed with vinegar. Have neem leaves and gingko biloba – this stops vitiligo from spreading and repigments the skin – and drink apple cider vinegar to support the good gut bacteria and prevent autoimmune flare-ups. To remove spots due to fungal infections, drink basil tea and apply a mixture of equal parts of honey, beeswax, and olive oil.

6 Benefits Of Watermelon That Can Transform Your Health

Juicy watermelon on a warm summer day – what a heavenly snack! Boasting a phenomenal medley of vitamins, amino acids, and antioxidants, this refreshing fruit is always a wise choice. But did you know that it could keep many diseases at bay, too? Here's how.

10 Breast Cancer Myths Busted

Breast cancer doesn't depend only on a woman's genes; nor is it limited to just women. Wearing a deo or a bra and getting a breast implant have no link with the disease, but improper diet and sedentary lifestyle do. An abortion doesn't up the risk, but late conception might. But a breast self exam alone isn't enough; assess your risk for the cancer and go for regular checkups once you cross 40.

5 Tips To Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Boosting your immune system can mean the difference between frequent infections and a robust disease-free life. It all comes down to a healthy diet rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, a generous dose of probiotics, and good old-fashioned sleep. Alternative therapies, such as acupressure, Ayurvedic massage, or herbal remedies like ashwagandha, also have so much to offer.

Ayurvedic Health Tips: 7 Principles That Will Enhance Your Health

The Ayurveda approved lifestyle or dinacharya isn’t as complicated as you think. A simple set of rules, from rising pre-dawn to winding down with a routine, can change how strong you feel inside and out. Support the mind and body with exercise, meditation, and a healthy diet or aahara and you’ll be on your way to a new and improved you.

8 Best Foods To Increase Breast Milk Naturally

Foods high in fiber like oats, barley, brown rice, beans, and calcium-rich leafy greens can increase breast milk. Fenugreek, ginger, palm dates, moringa, and alfalfa also boost milk flow. Aside from a balanced diet, Ayurveda also recommends medicinal preparations with sesame, garlic, and shatavari. As always, check with your doctor first.

Is Drinking Low-Fat Milk Really A Healthy Choice?

For many, milk is a standard part of the daily diet. But if you're trying to lose weight and get fit, the concept of low-fat milk may pose a tricky question. After all, saying no to fatty foods is usually on the list of dos and don'ts. Is it truly the best choice, though? Before you make the switch, take a moment to dig deeper into this seemingly "healthy" beverage.

Best Fruits For Glowing Skin: Eat, Apply, Repeat

Fruits are loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. Apart from being good for the healthy functioning of the body, some of them can work wonders on your skin. While Indian gooseberries provide protection from UV rays, a cooling watermelon mask provides smoother skin, and papaya can be applied for a better complexion. Eat or use bananas topically to erase the wrinkles and munch on fleshy strawberries to reverse aging.

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