
Jothi Mariyam Thomas


7 Ways To Keep Your Mind And Body Calm

With the current lifestyle, it is necessary to beat stress and keep our mind and body relaxed to feel motivated and happy. Practicing yoga and breathing exercises calms the body and mind. Listening to your favorite music and keeping a diary are simple ways that help relax your mind. Taking different kinds of body baths – neutral baths, warm water baths, and cold spinal baths – and going for a massage help relax your body.

Kawasaki Disease: 2 Possible Causes Of The Childhood Ailment

Kawasaki is a rare disease that affects children under the age of five. The symptoms of the disease include high temperature for more than five days along with rashes, swollen glands in the neck, dry lips, red fingers, toes, or even eyes. Infection and certain acquired genes are thought to be the two possible causes of Kawasaki disease. Further research is required to substantiate these cause.

How To Improve Concentration With Yoga And Pranayama

If you're having trouble concentrating at school or work, Yoga can help. Bhramari Pranayama is a breathing exercise that can improve memory and concentration. It can also provide relief from tension and anxiety, both which affect concentration. Yogasanas can also help improve your mental control. Some of these include Vajrasana, Garudasana, Sarvangasana, Vrikshasana, and Halasana.

13 Teas That Can Work Wonders For Your Skin

Herbal teas can improve skin complexion, fight aging signs, treat acne, remove puffiness and redness of the skin. White tea has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiaging properties and can prevent early wrinkles. Rooibos tea soothes the skin and controls acne. Some teas like Oolong tea and chamomile tea can treat skin irritations like atopic dermatitis and eczema, respectively. Hibiscus tea can control oily skin. Read more to know about other teas that you can add to your skin care routine.

Low-Sugar Vegetables To Control Blood Glucose Levels

If you are a diabetic or at risk of getting diabetes, then you must be careful with the food you eat. Vegetables have sugar content, too; some may have more sugar than the others. Low glycemic index vegetables should be consumed to avoid rapid blood glucose fluctuations. These include cruciferous and leafy vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and non-starchy vegetables like cucumbers, celery, and others.

7 Natural Ways To Overcome Drug Addiction

Overcoming addictions can be challenging but not impossible. Along with standard conventional treatments, you can follow alternative approaches to beat addictions. Admitting that there is a problem and motivating yourself is the first step. Meditating provides mental clarity. Practicing yoga enhances concentration and helps break the cycle of stress. Acupuncture helps reduce withdrawal symptoms. Therapies like massages, aromatherapy, and art and music therapies can also help in overcoming addictions.

8 Natural Ways To Treat Anemia

Iron-deficiency is just one of the causes of anemia. A vitamin D, vitamin B-12, or a vitamin C deficiency could also lead to anemia. To treat anemia naturally, eat foods rich in iron, vitamin D, B12, C, and vitamin D. Sunbathing and cold baths can also help relieve symptoms of anemia. Also, it is important to exercise regularly or perform yoga, as they can be helpful in the treatment of anemia. Using certain Ayurvedic herbs can also reduce anemic symptoms.

5 Symptoms That Indicate You May Have Coccydynia (Tailbone Pain)

The main symptom of coccydynia is pain above the buttock region. The pain does not radiate. It can range from dull to severe. Prolonged sitting, changing position – like from sitting to standing – and strenuous activities may increase the pain. You may experience the pain while bending down as well. The pain can also get aggravated during defecation and sexual intercourse.

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