
Dr Janardhana Hebbar

Senior Ayurvedic Consultant at CureJoy, Dr. Hebbar has authored 4 books on Ayurveda. Special interests are Kayachikitsa (Internal Medicine) and Shalya chikitsa (Surgery).

Fruits: To Juice it or to Cut it?

             Fruit juice can have great taste, high nutrient, and a great low calorie. However, they don’t usually contain all the nutrients of the whole...

20 Super Fruits for Super Health

Apple  -  Apples contain antioxidants called flavonoids, which may help lower the chance of developing diabetes and asthma. Apples are also a natural mouth...

Herbs to Lower Cholesterol: Six Best Supplements

Alfalfa-blocks absorption of bad cholesterol, prevents plaque build-up. Garlic-lowers bad cholesterol, elevates good cholesterol. Hawthorn leaf-reduces inflammation. Evening Primrose Oil- helps produce PFE1 that fights inflammation and high cholesterol. Green tea- lowers bad cholesterol. Glucomannan-lowers triglyceride levels, aids weight loss.

Avoid Eating Curd At Night: Best Solution

Ayurveda recommends not to have curd in the night. It increases kapha dosha and takes a longer time to digest. If you are used to having curd in the night, switch it with buttermilk. It clears mucus secretion. You can also mix a pinch of pepper powder or fenugreek powder in curd to have in the night.

Clearing Ayurveda Myths – Common Myths And Truths About Ayurveda

  1. Principles of Ayurveda are not as genuine as that of modern science The principles of Ayurveda are quite different from the modern science. Because the...

How to sleep naturally, without falling a prey to sedatives?

There are many causes why we fail to sleep naturally. Work and relationship related stress, irregular diet, lifestyle and sleeping habits, night shifts, bad habits...

5 Ways to Treat Acidity (Acid Reflux) Symptoms Naturally

Acidity occurs when there is excess secretion of acids in the gastric glands of the stomach. Here are some natural ways to manage acidity...[slideshow_deploy id='2755']

The top 3 women’s weight loss myths

If there is one thing that is rarely affected by the economic situation in the USA, it is our love for food. Americans eat...

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