


6 Health Benefits Of Mandarin Rooibos Tea

Rooibos tea does not contain caffeine and has low tannin levels compared to black tea or green tea. The tea has a taste and color somewhat similar to hibiscus tea. Mandarin Rooibos is a blend of select South African Rooibos herbal tea and mandarin orange essence. Rooibos contains polyphenols, including flavanols, flavones, and flavanones that improve heart, liver, and skin health. It also helps in the management of diabetes and weight loss.

9 Health Benefits Of Siberian Ginseng

Siberian Ginseng is mostly used in traditional medicines as an adaptogen, a compound that helps boost energy, increase resistance to daily internal/external stressors, and improve stamina. It also acts as a stimulant, increasing nervous and cognitive system functions. It helps improve mental performance in people with mild to moderate, stress-induced fatigue. It reduces severity/duration of herpes simplex type II infections, and treats arteriosclerosis and fibromyalgia.

6 Health Benefits Of Dried Raspberries

Raspberries are not just delicious but are also rich in a host of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Dried raspberries have the same nutritional profile as the raw ones. Adding dried raspberries to your diet makes your brain sharper, keeps cancer and other chronic diseases a bay, regulates your blood sugar levels, keeps you young, and improves your gut health.

5 Health Benefits Of Passion Flower

Passion flower, often mistaken to be an orchid, is not just mesmerizing visually but literally has a therapeutic influence on the mind. It has a calming effect on your mind helping cope with anxiety and stress and improves the quality of your sleep. It eases symptoms related to menopause and shown great promise in treating seizures during clinical trials.

Probiotics 101: Demystifying Your Body’s Microbiome

What if you found out your body is teeming with trillions of bacterial cells? While that's enough to knock anyone off their feet, not...

20 Tips To Lose Weight Without Losing Your Mind

Let’s start with a disclaimer: beauty is not linked with weight, but good health is. Overweight and obesity put you at risk of many...

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