
Daniel Sanelli

If you are suffering from chronic illness like gastrointestinal disorders, autoimmune disease, diabetes, hypertension, metabolic syndrome; or if you're intent on preserving your health and reaching optimal wellness and greater vitality, then you've arrived at the right place! Functional nutrition when approached holistically and applied personalized to the individual, it is known to support the body's normal healthy functions. Functional nutrition based on scientific evidence is also known to support and compliment traditional medical approaches to treating disease and assisting in the body's own healing processes. I have many years experience working with functional nutrition experts and I have learned how to use diet, smart supplementation and lifestyle choices to support optimal health.

Gluten Intolerance vs Celiac Disease: The Hidden Connection

We now understand that there are many more people who are sensitive to gluten, but who do not carry the genetic markers common to Celiac Disease, nor do they display the most common symptom of Celiac Disease. This is now classified as Gluten Intolerance or Gluten Sensitivity. Gluten Sensitivity can be just as damaging to one's health as Celiac Disease. So by finding out that one does not have CD, it is important to consider the broader issue of potential gluten sensitivity.

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