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Yoga For Migraine Relief: 10 Asanas That Can Ease The Pounding Pain In Your Head

Yoga for migraine relief.

The blinding pain of a migraine can bring anyone to their knees. In fact, it is the world’s sixth leading cause of years lost due to disability.1 So you’d be forgiven for wanting some way, any way, to rid yourself of the pain and other symptoms that go with this malady. While mainstream medication offers some solutions, yoga may be an alternative way to migraine relief.

Yoga Helps Reduce Episodes And Intensity Of Migraine

Migraines, a neurological disease, can result in symptoms like nausea, vomiting, flushing, pallor, and diarrhea during acute migraine episodes. This can often wreak havoc on your quality of life. Being a chronic disorder, migraines need constant care and management through medicines and lifestyle changes. You also need to avoid possible triggers. Yoga, when added to the conventional care for such headaches, can help not only reduce the severity of an attack but also even cut down their frequency. What’s more, researchers suggest that due to this effect, it could possibly help reduce the dosage of medication you need in conventional care, as well as your chances of side effects from those drugs.2 In one study of patients who faced a migraine without aura, yoga therapy for 3 months was found to help reduce the severity of the migraine and the pain, besides reducing headache frequency.3


[pullquote]Migraines can be with aura (25–30% of cases) or without. An aura causes visual symptoms like zigzag lights, sensory symptoms like numbness or tingling on one arm and then up one side of the face. It may also cause trouble producing words. This is followed by a headache.4[/pullquote]

Not only will regular practice of yoga help, but specific asanas or poses can also be more beneficial than others when it comes to addressing the specific symptoms or pain linked to headaches and migraines. Here are some of those that have such benefits.


1. Padmasana Or Lotus Pose

The lotus pose helps relax your mind and can ease a headache.5 It can also ease muscular tension.


Follow these steps to do the asana:6

2. Hastapadasana Or Standing Forward Bend


The hastapadasana helps rejuvenate your nervous system. It boosts blood supply, helping revive a fatigued nervous system, and calms the mind too.7 This pose is performed, as the name suggests, standing up.8

3. Janu Sirsasana Or Head-To-Knee Forward Bend


A forward bend, the janu sirsasana helps to slow down the release of adrenal and pituitary gland hormones. It calms excited nerves, easing the migraine.9

Here’s how it is done:10


4. Paschimottanasana Or Seated Forward Bend

This asana, like the janu sirsana, helps calm excited nerves, slows the release of hormones from both the adrenal and pituitary and glands.11 It also eases stress, relieves headaches, and calms the brain.12


You can make use of a strap to help you with this pose if needed. This is how the pose is done:13

5. Supported Ardha Halasana Or Half Plow Pose

If you are trying to ease pain and tension from the front of your head, this asana can help.14 It calms the nervous system and frees the brain of stress, leaving you feeling relaxed.

This is how it is performed:15

If you are tall, you may need to place extra blankets on the chair itself to help your spine extend fully.

6. Jalandhara Bandha Or Chin Lock

[pullquote]If you’re chronically tense, nadi shodana or alternate nostril breathing could help. A modified form of this is done while lying in the corpse pose or savasana, with chest elevated and arms to the side. To do this, simply inhale alternatingly from one nostril and exhale from the other without actually using your fingers to block the other nostril.16[/pullquote]

The chin lock helps regulate both the blood flow as well as energy to the brain.17 It is used in various other asanas like the bridge pose and during pranayama or yogic breathing.18

Here’s how it’s done:

7. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana Or Bridge Pose

An anxiety busting movement, this pose can help calm the mind and is recommended for those with migraines.19 Even the supported version of this pose helps expands the chest muscles to boost your body’s oxygen intake, energizing you.20

Follow these steps to do the bridge pose:21

8. Adho Mukha Svanasana Or The Downward Facing Dog Pose

The asana that’s become synonymous with yoga classes and finds a mention in pop culture the world over, the downward facing dog is one that can do plenty for someone with a migraine. It helps increase blood circulation to your brain and help relieves a headache.22It is also calming and rejuvenating, leaving you feeling energized. It can even relieve back pain or fatigue and insomnia.23 Get started with the downward facing dog:24:

9. Balasana Or Child Pose

The child pose or balasana or shishuasana can reduce the pain you may be experiencing due to your migraine by calming the nervous system.25 It is an excellent way to relax the mind and help you breathe more consciously. It also helps you overcome fatigue or tiredness.26

Follow these steps to do the child pose:27

10. Savasana or Corpse Pose

No list of asanas targeting the calming of the mind or brain is complete without mention of the savasana or corpse pose. By relaxing the mind, you can free it of tension, easing the headache. It can bring you into a very deep state of meditative rest that can energize you once done.28

This is how it is performed:29

With this set of asanas, you should be able to see some of your migraine symptoms easing or, at the very least, be able to help reduce some associated problems like tension or fatigue. Get the help of a trained yoga practitioner to oversee the asanas at first, to ensure you are doing them right. And remember, the yoga therapy is a great addition to your treatment for migraines, but do not go off medication without first consulting your doctor, especially if your symptoms are severe.


1, 4 Migraine and Aura. American Migraine Foundation.
2 Kisan, Ravikiran, M. U. Sujan, Meghana Adoor, Raghavendra Rao, A. Nalini, Bindu M. Kutty, BT Chindanda Murthy, T. R. Raju, and T. N. Sathyaprabha. “Effect of Yoga on migraine: A comprehensive study using clinical profile and cardiac autonomic functions.” International journal of yoga 7, no. 2 (2014): 126.
3 John, P. J., Neha Sharma, Chandra M. Sharma, and Arvind Kankane. “Effectiveness of yoga therapy in the treatment of migraine without aura: a randomized controlled trial.” Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain 47, no. 5 (2007): 654-661.
5, 7, 19, 22, 25, 28 Yoga to cure migraine and headache. The Art of Living.
6 Padmasana-Lotus Position- Steps and Benefits. The Art Of Living.
8 Standing Forward Bend (Hastapadasana). The Art of Living.
9, 11, 17 Ask the expert. Yoga Journal Aug 2007.
10 Janu Sirsasana. Yoga Journal Mar 1982.
12 Yoga to cure migraine and headache. The Art of Living.
13 Seated Forward Bend. Yoga Journal.
14, 20 Ask the expert. Yoga Journal Aug 2007.
15 Asanas To Relieve Depression. Yoga Journal.
16 Yoga Cure for Headaches. Yoga Journal Jan-Feb 1999.
18 Net bearer bond. Yoga Journal.
21 10-minute Foundational Yoga Routine. American Council on Exercise.
23 Downward-Facing Dog. Yoga Journal.
24 A Beginner’s Guide to Yoga: 5 Widely Practiced Poses. American Council on Exercise.
26 Yoga for Neck Pain. Yoga Journal.
27 Mueller, Donna. “Yoga Therapy.” ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal 6, no. 1 (2002): 18-hyhen.
29 Savasana – Corpse Pose. The Art of Living.
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