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Walking Pneumonia: Causes And Treatment Measures

The common cold has its telltale symptoms: a stuffy nose, a scratchy throat, spells of coughing, body pain or headaches, and sore muscles. But what if all these symptoms pointed to something more serious, to say, a condition called walking pneumonia?

[pullquote]Walking pneumonia, a milder version of regular pneumonia, is caused by the bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae[/pullquote]


Walking pneumonia is not as menacing as it sounds, though – a mild form of pneumonia, it does not usually interfere with your daily activities, allowing you to continue “walking” and going about your normal life. In fact, many people with walking pneumonia are oblivious to it and assume they have a cold. Do you have any of these walking pneumonia symptoms?

What Causes Walking Pneumonia?

Mycoplasma pneumoniae, a tiny bacterium that can live in your nose, throat, windpipe, and lungs, is the culprit here. It causes an inflammation or infection in the lungs, but this is much milder than in typical pneumonia.


[pullquote]Certain antibiotics and penicillin that treat regular pneumonia by targeting cell walls of the Streptococcus bacteria are not useful in walking pneumonia. Usually, rest and hydration can cure it.[/pullquote]

Pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma (along with other pathogens like Chlamydophila and Legionella) come under the bracket of atypical pneumonia – which simply means traditional bacteria species like Streptococcus pneumoniae that trigger typical pneumonia are not the cause here.1Unlike traditional pneumonia bacteria, these organisms don’t have outer cell walls and are resilient to penicillin and certain antibiotics that target cell walls.2


The symptoms of walking pneumonia are milder than those in normal pneumonia. In most cases, this type of pneumonia sorts itself out on its own with enough rest and fluids.3

Risks And Complications

[pullquote]Walking pneumonia is usually harmless, but it may give rise to complications like anemia, encephalitis, kidney problems, and skin infections.[/pullquote]


While the condition is mostly harmless, a few possibilities suggest that walking pneumonia can’t be taken too lightly. Walking pneumonia is airborne, spreading through sneezing or coughing. So, in crowded or contained environments like schools, colleges, camps, and hospitals, it is extremely contagious. Serious complications due to this type of pneumonia are rare but not unheard of. Anemia, encephalitis, kidney problems, and skin infections are some possible complications. It can also graduate to a more serious pneumonia in some cases. Apart from children, pregnant women, the elderly, smokers, and people with lower immunity (due to organ transplants, chemotherapy, chronic health conditions like diabetes or asthma, or AIDS) have to be careful because there are chances of the condition aggravating.4

Treatment For Walking Pneumonia


Walking pneumonia is usually treated with a course of antibiotics. But getting the right diagnosis is important because Mycoplasma is resistant to the antibiotics that are generally used to treat typical pneumonia or even flu. [pullquote]Visit the doctor for the right antibiotics if your symptoms don’t improve after a week’s bed rest and over-the-counter medicines.[/pullquote]


Unlike the common cold, walking pneumonia can linger on, often for even a month. So a doctor’s visit is called for if you’re feeling under the weather even after 7–10 days of rest and OTC medicines. Your doctor may run blood tests and order a chest x-ray or scan for diagnosis and prescribe antibiotics. A course of antibiotics – especially when started early – can help sort out the condition quickly.

You can also try the alternative route to alleviate some of the symptoms.



According to Ayurveda, vata imbalance causes pneumonia. Cough caused by vata imbalance (vataja kasa) can be treated with panchakarma therapy.5 Panchakarma is a five-pronged approach that aims to detoxify the body and balances the doshas, thus treating the respiratory disorder. By removing stress and toxins, it is believed to improve immunity and recovery.

Home Remedies

Herbal Remedies


Pranayama is a breathing exercise that can improve pulmonary function. A study was conducted on 50 young adults who underwent pranayama training 1 hour a day, 6 days a week. The results showed a statistically significant increase in the lung parameters. The study concluded that pranayama can be used as a lung-strengthening tool to treat respiratory conditions and fortify the lungs after an attack of pneumonia or even tuberculosis.10


With a well-balanced diet, good hydration, adequate sleep, and simple home remedies, you can boost your immune system and beat the bacteria. Following general hygiene practices like washing hands frequently and covering your mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing will limit the infection from spreading. You can also ask your doctor for a flu shot or pneumonia vaccine to keep the bacteria at bay.11


1, 11 Atypical Pneumonia. US National Library of Medicine.
2 Waites, Ken B., and Deborah F. Talkington. “Mycoplasma pneumoniae and its role as a human pathogen.” Clinical microbiology reviews 17, no. 4 (2004): 697-728.
3 Community acquired pneumonia – Typical or atypical? Bedi RS, Indian Chest Society.
4 Mycoplasma pneumoniae Infection. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
5 Dr. Vivek Kumar Mishra and Dr. Neha Mishra. “Role of Panchakarma in Sequential Management of Pranavaha Srotastha Vyadhi in children”. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 5, no. 3 (2016): 527-538.
6 Ravindran, P. N., K. Nirmal Babu, and Kandaswamy Sivaraman, eds. Turmeric: the genus Curcuma. CRC Press, 2007.
7 The London Lancet: A Journal of British and Foreign Medicine, Physiology, Surgery, Chemistry, Criticism, Literature and News, Volume 2. Burgess, Stringer & Company, 1855.
8 Herr, Karl. Hex and Spellwork: The Magical Practices of the Pennsylvania Dutch. York Beach, ME: Red Wheel/Weiser, 2002.
9 Pneumonia. Medicinal Plants of the Southwest (MPSW) Program, National Institute of Health.
10 Shankarappa, V., P. Prashanth, N. Annamalai, and V. Malhotra. “The short term effect of pranayama on the lung parameters.” Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 6, no. 1 (2012): 27-30.
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