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Top 9 Easy Ways New Dads Can Assist New Moms

Are you excited, yet perplexed, overwhelmed, and lost in thought? Then, chances are that you are the new dad in town. Your tribe is well known for this. You are happy to welcome the bundle of love to your home but, worried how to become part of the beautiful mother-baby bond. As you see your partner nurturing the baby, you may be clueless about your role in parenting. Well, you can start with these to assist the new mom.

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1.Let Her Sleep

It looks like a simple thing to do. Well, you will realize it is tough in a few days. Feeding, changing diapers, and bathing duties – enough tasks to keep her engaged throughout the day. It is obvious that she does not get time to sleep. And your sleep-deprived partner is fatigued and sluggish. Whenever she is able to, let her go to sleep. That means, you may have to share some of her duties, so that she finds time to take a nap.


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2.Feed Her Healthy Snacks


Wondering if her food cravings are not yet over? These are not food cravings. This is to feed her nutritious food to stay energized throughout the day. Breastfeeding drains a woman of her energy and all nutrients. Stock your pantry with healthy, easy to eat foods. Do not let her skip meals. If she is busy with the baby, help her. Keep a water bottle and remind her to drink it. Understand that staying hydrated is very important while breastfeeding.

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3.Give Her Company

Taking care of the baby is a beautiful, yet tough experience. Every new mom longs for someone to offer her a helping hand. If you could give your partner company all the time, she would love you for that. When she nurses the baby, sit next to her. Take up burping duties. Change baby diapers. After initial hiccups, you will become a master in all these. Don’t let your fears hold you back from doing this.


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4.Manage Visitors


This is very important considering the fact that your partner is not in a state to entertain guests. Everyone likes to visit a newborn. But, for your partner’s sake, it is better to make them wait for a few more days. Inform your friends and family that it is not a great time to visit. If guests come home, ensure that the visit will not go more than an hour.

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5.Appreciate Her

You may think that your partner has natural maternal instincts which make her an expert in baby care. No, it is not true. Remember, she is scared and doubtful of her parenting skill. Appreciate her for the hard work. Thank her for taking care of the baby. That will boost her confidence and spirit.

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6.Hang Out With The Baby

This is the best way to form the precious dad-baby bond. Ever wondered how to spend time with a newborn? Talk to your little love. Make silly faces. Sing a lullaby. (well, if you are a bad singer, don’t go for this). Gently rub your baby’s legs, belly, and arms. Your little one realizes that mom is not the only one to entertain it. Moreover, your partner will get some time to rest as you take charge of the baby.

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7.Talk to Her

Do not let baby topics come up in your talks. She may be out of touch with the world. Update her with the latest happenings around your community. Talk about her favorite songs, or actors, or books. You can, in fact, plan your future dinner date. Let her understand that baby blues will fade away soon. And of course, be a good listener. Let her give vent to her worries and emotions. She does not expect you to neither analyze nor solve it. But, lending a listening ear is all that she needs.

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8.Be Ready For Any Work

Jack of all trades, master of none – for the time being a new dad can be defined like this. Clean your kitchen, wash dishes, or do laundry. There are many household chores, which you can do to help your partner. Perfection is not the key. Participation is what matters. Do not wait for your love to ask for any help. Make her life easier.

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9.Surprise her

You may have done this before. Continue giving her small surprises. Make breakfast for her. Invite her friends with whom she really wants to spend time. Arrange a movie night for her while you take care of the baby.

There were times when women were blessed with guidance from their family, neighbors, and friends while raising a baby. But, today you cannot guarantee that. You are the only assured support for your baby’s mommy. Be there for her. It may be a tough time for you. But, be patient and calm. You can gracefully build a strong and happy family.

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