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Wash Your Face With Coconut Oil And Baking Soda And This Will Happen In...

Washing your face is an everyday skin-care ritual for most of us. We depend on several skin care products for a flawless and radiant...

The Ugly, Hidden Truth Behind Diet Sodas

Diet soda is one of the many products that has been exploited in the guise of a healthier option. Lots of people are buying into...

How Diet Soda Affects Different Parts Of Your Body And Your Mood

Ditching regular sugar-sweetened soda is the first thing you do when you try to lose weight. And you start consuming diet soda, believing that...

Can You Drink Diet Soda While You’re Pregnant?

Diet soda has close to no nutritional value. Minerals like potassium and sodium are added, which can be harmful in excess. Diet soda also contains caffeine, which is considered harmful for a developing fetus. It is filled with artificial sweeteners and artificial flavors, which can cause a loss of calcium. Regular consumption can result in overweight babies. It may also be associated with preterm labor, which comes with a lot of complications.
can diabetics drink diet soda

Can Diabetics Drink Diet Soda?

Diet soda isn’t the worst drink for diabetes, but it isn’t the best. A healthy diet is important. Diet soda has artificial sweeteners, so it contains little to no calories. It also doesn’t change your blood glucose, making it an ideal swap for regular soda with added sugars. However, the low-calorie content can make you crave more sugar, leading to overconsumption. This worsens metabolic syndrome and increases your risk for complications. If you’re diabetic, drink diet soda in moderation.
Diet soda leads to numerous health risks.

5 Reasons Why You Must Drop Diet Sodas Immediately

The term “diet soda” might sound healthy, but have you tried to find out if it actually helps you at all? Have you ever...

5 Types Of Stains That Baking Soda Can Remove

Baking soda is an easy-to-use, inexpensive and mild abrasive that is an effective stain remover. A paste of baking soda and water can remove ink stains and food stains without harming the fabric or your skin. To remove ink stains it is important to not let the stains spread or dry and take clean the stain immediately. On the contrary to remove mud stains, let the stain dry before you clean it. Paint stains and sweat stains can be removed by soaking the stained area in water and baking soda.
Effective Natural Remedies For Cleaning Around The House

9 Effective Natural Remedies For Cleaning Around The House

When cleaning around the house, try natural remedies like white vinegar with citrus peels to disinfect and a lemon, rosemary, and vanilla mix as an air freshener. Looking to clean washing areas and toilets at home? Use baking soda and lemon for dirty, smelly sinks and baking soda and white vinegar for messy toilets. Chalk can help get rid of greasy stains on clothes and silverware.

How Can Baking Soda Help Protect Your Kidneys?

Kidneys regulate the acid-base conditions within the body. Any damage to them can disrupt these conditions, resulting in a pH imbalance. Studies have shown that baking soda can help repair kidneys by increasing blood bicarbonate levels in those suffering from metabolic acidosis. Sodium bicarbonate is available as tablets. You can also have it by dissolving baking soda in water.

Baking Soda To Tenderize Dry Beans And Prevent Gas

Dry beans are nutritious and can be very tasty if well-cooked. Beans also cause flatulence because of the sugars present in them. But, since they do not absorb moisture easily, some people suggest using baking soda to soften them. Baking soda may tackle both these problems, but it has its own disadvantages. Baking soda removes vitamin B present in the beans and may cause the beans to taste soapy.
Effective Therapeutic Benefits Of Baking Soda Solution

5 Effective Therapeutic Benefits Of Baking Soda Solution

Baking soda is widely used for baking and cleaning purposes. However, oral ingestion of baking soda solution has various therapeutic benefits. Due to its alkaline nature, it treats heartburn and indigestion, relieves symptoms of UTI, cures gout, and wards off cold and flu. It also prevents the spreading of cancer by controlling metastasis.

5 Ways Baking Soda Can Help You Lose Arm, Thigh, Belly, And Back Fat

Baking soda is a wonderful white powder that can help you lose weight. You can use baking soda in various ways to shed the extra fat. Baking soda can be used to make sports drink, you can use it with lemon juice, green tea, and apple cider vinegar. You can also make your favorite strawberry smoothie using baking soda.

4 Steps To Wean Yourself Off Soda

Sodas contain caffeine that energizes us and sugar that makes us feel good. Identify which of the two drives your soda cravings and find healthier substitutes. Tea or coffee for caffeine and a balanced diet and stress-free lifestyle for sugar. Soy products help curb sugar urges. Keep yourself motivated and drink lemon water. You may fail at times but don’t give up.

13 Everyday Health Problems Baking Soda Can Solve

Squirting a solution of salt, baking soda, and water in your nose can relieve inhalant allergy symptoms. Sipping on a glass of water mixed with baking soda can relieve stomach ailments like gas pains and an acid stomach. Rinsing your mouth with baking soda solution can eliminate bad breath. Topical application of baking soda can treat itchy skin and neutralize insect bites. Baking soda can also relieve you from dehydration.

How To Soothe Eczema With Baking Soda

Eczema is usually treated with prescription creams and drugs. However, baking soda offers a cheap and natural remedy. It’ll calm irritation and prevent skin infections. To relieve scaling, make a lukewarm bath soak with baking soda. A compress soaked in baking soda and water will also remove damaged tissue. To avoid blistering and odor, make a paste with baking soda and almond oil. This will moisturize dry skin while controlling irritation.