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5 Cooking Methods That Make Your Food Toxic

Some cooking methods are as bad as smoking cigarettes. When foods are deep-fried, the oil oxidizes and creates toxic chemicals. Pan frying has a similar effect, especially at high temperatures. Grilling red and processed meat forms carcinogens, while smoking transfers chemicals from smoke and flames. Microwaving also emits radiation which the food absorbs, and “microwave-safe” containers actually leach BPA when heated, so it’s best to avoid.
The Most Common Lies People Tell Their Doctors

7 Of The Most Common Lies People Tell Their Doctors

Most patients tend to lie about their smoking or drinking habits. Some doctors train their residents to double the number of cigarettes that a patient tells them, in response to how many cigarettes they smoke over a week. People tend to lie about their food habits to their doctor. Also, doctors reveal people tend to dismiss certain symptoms like a headache as trivial issues that aren’t worth to discuss.
Trying to lose weight? Focus on the adrenal glands.

Lose Weight By Learning About Your Adrenal Glands

Adrenal glands secrete cortisol, the “stress hormone.” At high levels, cortisol prevents fat breakdown and promotes weight gain. That’s why managing stress may be the answer to successful weight loss! Start by meditating and doing yoga, two activities that lower cortisol. Aromatherapy, with scents like lavender and bergamot, has the same effect. Laughter also controls cortisol levels, so make time for fun. Avoid smoking cigarettes, as nicotine withdrawal mimics stress and raises cortisol.

13 Lung Cancer Myths Debunked

Being diagnosed with cancer is everyone’s worst nightmare. And there happen to be many myths surrounding this illness. Let’s explore some common myths doing...
Here are some simple ways to reduce the level of triglycerides in your body

11 Ayurvedic Ways To Reduce Triglycerides

Triglycerides can be as harmful as bad cholesterol in the way that it could increase the risk for heart problems. Losing body weight is one of the main ways to keep levels under control. It is also recommended that one limits the intake of added sugar, simple carbohydrates, alcohol, trans fats, and saturated fats while increasing the intake of unsaturated fats, fiber, and natural supplements if they are appropriate.

Identifying And Coping With An Allergy To Nightshade Vegetables

The prominent members of nightshade vegetables are potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, and eggplants. The presence of certain alkaloids in them can cause mild-moderate allergic reactions in some individuals. Often, people who are already sensitive to casein and gluten are predisposed to suffering from an allergy to nightshade veggies. The best way to manage these reactions is by eating mindfully and avoiding the irritant vegetables.
How Do You Know Acupuncture Is Right For You?

How Do You Know Acupuncture Is Right For You?

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years. It is an effective way to treat problems like allergies, pain from chemotherapy and also relieve allergies. If you want to quit smoking, acupuncture can help to keep the withdrawal symptoms and cravings away. By reducing stress, acupuncture can treat infertility and also help you shed some extra pounds. Although the results may be slow, it is an effective treatment technique with no side effects.

The Good And Bad About Chewing Gums During Pregnancy

Which is that one food you like to munch on when pregnancy cravings are bothering you? Calorie bars and chocolates cannot always satiate your...
Asthma can be triggered anywhere and anytime with these things

7 Asthma Triggers And How To Avoid Them

To properly manage asthma, stay away from common triggers. Avoid secondhand smoke by never letting people smoke in your home or car. Dust mites can be controlled by washing bedding, blankets, and stuffed animals every week. Promote good air circulation at home to prevent mold. If you are allergic to pets, keep them out of the bedroom. Chemical irritants can cause a flare-up, so use natural or homemade products. When possible, move away from wood smoke and outdoor air pollution.
Habits that ruin your teeth.

11 Ways In Which You Are Ruining Your Teeth

Even though you brush regularly, your teeth could become damaged. Grinding your teeth, munching on oily food, smoking, regularly drinking soda, red wine, and coffee are some of the habits that could prove harmful to your teeth. To have healthy teeth, recognize these habits, and work towards putting an end to them!
causes of heart palpitations

10 Surprising Reasons Why Your Heart Skipped A Beat

The unpleasant sensation of one's own heartbeat can occur due to a rise in adrenaline levels. Conditions like stress, low blood pressure, certain drugs, strenuous exercise, excessive caffeine, and nicotine can all contribute to palpitations. Although they are usually harmless, they could indicate the presence of an overactive thyroid or full-fledged heart disease in some individuals.
your body begins to crave for nicotine

Want To Quit Smoking Naturally? Try Cream Of Tartar

Ask any smoker how many times they have tried to quit and you realize how addictive smoking is. It's one habit that just does...

How You Can Treat Blocked Sweat Glands At Home

Blocked sweat glands is a chronic condition that causes inflamed boils to erupt on the surface of the skin, especially on the buttocks, neck, armpits and groin. The boils are painful and difficult to manage. However, by altering your lifestyle, and bringing about a few changes to your diet, you can easily deal with the condition.
Natural Methods To Quit Smoking

7 Natural Ways To Quit Smoking For Good

With over a billion users worldwide and 480,000 deaths every year in the US alone, tobacco continues to be one of the most harmful...

5 Ways You Are Unknowingly Harming Your Pets

Exposing your pets to secondhand tobacco smoke can cause lung diseases and cancer in them. Allowing them to lick you after you've applied cream containing hydrocorticosone can give them diarrhea, while exposing them to chemical-laden cleaning agents can cause severe poisoning. Don't give them any food containing xylitol, an artificial sweetener, or human meds like paracetamol.