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Are olives fattening?

Are Olives Fattening? 7 Factors To Weigh In

Olives are a delicious Mediterranean food but if you’re concerned they’re fattening, worry no more! Eaten in moderation, they’re a great low-calorie, low-GI food that is rich in antioxidants and heart-healthy oleic acid. They could even help your weight-loss or cholesterol-lowering efforts!

5 Natural Ways To Stop Excess Vaginal Discharge

Leucorrhea, or vaginal discharge, may or may not be normal. If the amount or color changes, visit the doctor ASAP. Foul odor and itching are tell-tale signs of an infection. You can also try herbal remedies to reduce discharge. Traditional medicine has used spices like sumac, anise, and sorrel to treat leucorrhea. Additional natural remedies include amla berry, one of the top ayurvedic treatments, and olive. Even when using these treatments, be sure to get a potential infection checked out.

5 Simple Home Remedies For Psoriasis Using Olive Oil

Dry, red and itchy skin patches are the distinct feature of psoriasis. Olive oil is a natural remedy that can soothe the inflamed psoriatic plaques thanks to its high fatty acid, vitamin E, and antioxidant content. This is the reason why extra virgin olive oil can be excellent at moisturizing them and helping them heal. Its action gets enhanced when mixed with tea tree oil or turmeric.

10 Foods That Help You Burn Abdominal Fat

Weight loss is something that is on the minds of almost every overweight or obese person. Many people often work out twice a day to shed weight. Abdominal fat is extremely hard to burn and perfect washboard abs are almost impossible to achieve. But, apart from exercises, certain foods can make this possible. A diet that is high in fiber and low in sugars can help you burn abdominal fat.
Oleuropein, one of the polyphenols

Here’s Why Olive Leaf Extract Is Great For Your Health

Olive leaf extract is high in compounds known as polyphenols, which are micronutrients we get through our diet. Oleuropein, one of the polyphenols found in...

10 Natural Foods That Protect You From Heart Attacks

Your heart literally beats every day of your life, making it literally the hardest organ in the body. The intake of junk food, oily snacks, pastries, bread, foods laden with sugar, and salt can cause artery clogging in your heart. Adding nuts like walnuts and seeds like flaxseed, olive and flaxseed oil, avocados, fatty fish, foods rich in folic acid like cereals and lentils, asparagus and broccoli, dark green vegetables like the spinach, whole grains, and onion & garlic are excellent food sources for keeping your arteries clean naturally. Apple cider vinegar contributes to healthy veins, blood vessels, and arteries.

20 Healthiest Fruits For A Fitter You

Fruits provide us with a wide range of minerals, vitamins, fats, and phytonutrients. From healthier body tissues to preventing neurodegenerative diseases, when consumed on daily basis, each fruit boosts our health in its own way. Including fruits in our daily diet is the best bet.
Health Benefits Of Olive Oil Leaf Extract

8 Health Benefits Of Olive Leaf Extract And How To Use It

Olive leaves reduce inflammation, thanks to a high antioxidant content. Studies using olive leaf extracts have found that they protect the heart by lowering high blood pressure and preventing the formation of plaques in arteries, lower glucose levels and increase insulin sensitivity, improve symptoms of arthritis, and may even prevent and treat Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. The extract can be taken in a dose of 500–1000 mg daily.
benefits of eating olives

11 Health Benefits Of Eating Olives, The Mediterranean Wonder

Olives are loaded with antioxidants and healthy monounsaturated fats. They can protect the heart, manage diabetes, and prevent osteoporosis. Olive polyphenols may also protect against dementia and cancer. But don't overdose on table olives, since they contain too much sodium. Choose naturally ripe varieties when you can.

9 Health Benefits Of Olives

If your taste buds need a wake-up call, eat some olives! They’re full of tangy delicious flavors. No wonder so many grocery stores have...
Amazing Foods To Eliminate Joint Pain Naturally.

Amazing Foods To Eliminate Joint Pain Naturally

Studies state that ginger extract consumed four times a day are effective in reducing joint pain. Fruits with anti-oxidant properties reduce inflammation, thereby reducing joint pain. They include blueberries, cherries, strawberries, rhubarbs, cauliflowers and apples. Other natural relievers include olive oil, avocado oil, honey and cinnamon.

Top 5 Sources Of Good Fat

Don't make the big mistake of cutting fat out of your diet to check obesity. In fact, the right fat at every meal will not make you fat but burn fat as fuel. Along with veggies, eat a hard-boiled organic egg. Or munch on avocados, nuts, and olives for snacks. These fat-rich foods will give you energy, create the cholesterol needed to make hormones, and help with brain function.
Amazing Foods To Eliminate Joint Pain Naturally.

Amazing Foods To Eliminate Joint Pain Naturally

Studies state that ginger extract consumed four times a day are effective in reducing joint pain. Fruits with anti-oxidant properties reduce inflammation, thereby reducing joint pain. They include blueberries, cherries, strawberries, rhubarbs, cauliflowers and apples. Other natural relievers include olive oil, avocado oil, honey and cinnamon.
Heart Healthy Greek Diet For Weight Loss

Heart Healthy Greek Diet For Weight Loss

You may have heard of the popular Mediterranean diet, you may even be following it. But did you know that it was actually drawn...

15 Reasons Olives Are Better Alternatives To Supplements.

Botanically olives belong to the scientific category of Olea europea and are part of the drupes family- fruits that have a pit or stone...