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Can Depression Cause Brain Damage?

A stressful event increases the risk of developing depression later in life. Many people feel depressed and most times nothing is done to treat...

How To Manage Hypochondria

The best treatment for hypochondria, or illness anxiety disorder, is cognitive behavioral therapy. It can teach you how to accept death and sickness. Focus on treating depression, which impacts 75 to 85 percent of hypochondriacs. Do it naturally by eating well, exercising, and doing things you love. Stress is also linked to hypochondria, so self-care is essential. Try yoga, or spend time with loved ones. Get routine checkups for peace of mind.
signs and symptoms of depression

Signs And Symptoms Of Depression To Watch Out For

A serious mood disorder, depression can be handled by identifying the symptoms in time and seeking medical care. Symptoms can vary depending on your age and gender. While in the beginning, the symptoms could be mostly physical like aches and pains, constipation, loss of appetite etc, there are behavioral warning signs like anxiety, irritability, temper, and more you need to watch out for. Depression can also affect your cognitive functions like memory. Lack of sleep or excess of it, too, is a symptom you shouldn’t overlook.
causes of depression

3 Causes Of Depression You Probably Didn’t Know

Depression, a recurring mental disorder plaguing more than 300 million people worldwide, can stem from traumatic life experiences and substance abuse or may just be a result of your genes, not in your control. Belonging to a family with a history of depression, lack of omega-3s in your diet, chronic illnesses like Parkinson’s, and even certain medications can put you at a higher risk of suffering from depression. Seek help if you are struggling to come out of your sadness.
cognitive behavioral therapy for depression

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Depression

Are you overwhelmed by intense feelings of hopelessness and despair? If so, it’s time for you to seek medical help, especially if these feelings are persistent and preventing you from leading a normal, active life. Your doctor may recommend a form of psychotherapy known as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) which can help you recognize and positively change negative thoughts and behavioral patterns. When compared to other standard treatments for depression, CBT has been proven to reduce the overall risk of relapse.

6 Indian Healing Practices To Alleviate Depression

In ancient India, nature’s rhythms were highly respected and it was common to practice mind, body, spirit healing to align the body’s energies with...

Why Do We Crave For Certain Foods When We Feel Low?

Since the beginning of time, food has been a source of comfort and satisfaction. We all have fond memories from childhood that are linked...

5 Interesting Benefits Of Mother-Baby Song Time

Music is a form of art that knows no bounds. It speaks to each individual regardless of the race, gender, religion, or age. Every...
Pregnancy social support: 5 Reasons Why Social Support Is Crucial During Pregnancy

5 Reasons Why Social Support Is Crucial During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a difficult and emotional phase of a woman’s life. It is a phase when your body goes through several changes. You have a big...
Depressed pregnant woman:7 Ways To Cope With Depression And Anxiety During Pregnancy

7 Ways To Cope With Depression And Anxiety During Pregnancy

During pregnancy your hormones go on a roller coaster ride. At one moment you are happy and at the other you are anxious or...

4 Essential Oils For Depression

Incredibly common, depression is a lowered state of mood which affects one's thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Though aromatherapy can not help cure depression, citrus essential oils like lemon, grapefruit, bergamot, sweet orange can help relieve its symptoms and help manage the condition better. To use, take a good whiff or diffuse the oils using a diffuser.
Benefits of dog therapy

Benefits Of Dog Therapy For Anxiety, Depression, Autism, And More

Are you a dog lover? If so, you know just how friendly dogs can be. Therapy dogs, in particular, are especially sweet and affectionate....
what causes migraine headaches

8 Common Triggers That Cause Migraine Headaches

Migraines are caused by an abnormal brain activity, which makes any kind of sensory stimuli like light, sound, or touch painful for you. These worsen the pounding headaches that migraines cause. The most common triggers are foods or drinks like cheese, soy, and alcohol, stress, lack of sleep, dehydration, weather change, and hormonal change during periods. Any change in routine that upsets your sleep-wake pattern or meal times can also cause migraines. Keep a diary to know and avoid your triggers.
different types of depression

Different Types Of Depression

Depression is a complex condition. Dysthymia, bipolar depression, adjustment disorder, atypical depression, seasonal affective disorder, postnatal depression are just some types. Common symptoms include feelings of hopelessness and a loss of interest in things that were once enjoyable. Constant fatigue, a lack of appetite, and insomnia are also red flags.
5 Ingenious Ways To Prep For Motherhood

5 Ingenious Ways To Prep For Motherhood

Motherhood is a blessing until you finally realize that your life is no longer yours. You forget brushing your hair and, sometimes even skip...