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How A Parent’s Touch Helps Build The First Bond With Newborn?

Touch has a healing power—even when we as adults feel emotionally stressed or are ill, a consoling touch can contribute to our well being....

4 Reasons That Explain Why Your Baby Should Not Sleep On Their Sides

While there are good and bad sleeping positions for mothers during pregnancy, even infants younger than a year old must be made to sleep...

New Research Explains Why Screen Time Sabotages Children’s Sleep

As the digital age evolves, every parent is concerned about the excessive use of digital media in kids. Now, every kid is exposed to...
tips to swaddle your baby

Swaddling 101: Follow These Tips To Swaddle Your Baby Right

Swaddling is an age-old technique that can soothe and pacify babies. Choose a light wrap and lay your baby face up on the wrap with head and neck above the fabric. Fold the wrap across the baby’s body from one side, lift the bottom of the wrap and fold up. Then fold the second side of the wrap across and tuck in. Don’t swaddle babies who can roll over.
folic acid during pregnancy

Folate Or Folic Acid During Pregnancy: A Vital Ingredient For Your Baby’s Health

Folic acid is a critical B vitamin for your body when you’re planning a pregnancy. It significantly lowers risk of major neural tube birth defects in the baby including spina bifida, anencephaly, and encephalocele and can ward off folate deficiency anemia in the expectant mum, too. Just be sure to get the right dosage – too much can be equally bad. If you have a family history of neural tube defects, are diabetic, or have epilepsy, however, you may need higher folate intake. For everyone else, a 0.4mg intake will suffice.

Helping Children Cope With Divorce: 12 Ways To Make Separation Less Painful

Divorce can be just as hard on your kids as it is on you. Simple things like always greeting them with a smile when you visit, not arguing with your ex in front of them, or taking up a class or activity together can help. Introduce a few new things at a time and avoid a sudden change of home, town, or school. Be sure to communicate, listen, and help answer their queries and validate their feelings. Get professional help for yourself or your child if it is needed.

Everything You Need To Know About Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is a routine and normal part of most pregnancies. It can be caused by hormonal changes and changes to sensory systems. Morning sickness may help protect the mother and baby by causing aversions to foods like meat, poultry, and eggs which can carry harmful illnesses and substances. To avoid nausea, snack on bland foods, sniff lemon and ginger to relieve nausea. Remember to drink fluids to prevent dehydration from vomiting

Breastfeeding A Baby With Health Problems

Breastfeeding is indeed a challenge for new moms. It becomes all the more difficult if your baby has a health problem. Even if he/she...

10 Reasons You Should Play Board Games With Your Kids

Don’t wait for bad weather to bring out the board games! Playing board games with your kids has way more benefits than you think it...
PTSD Can Also Affect Children And Teens

Everything You Need To Know About PTSD In Children And Teens

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a condition that you wouldn’t wish upon the brattiest kid who spray-painted your new car. Most people assume that PTSD...

5 Effective Pediatric Tips To Raise Healthy Kids

Pediatricians know what is best for a child and his or her health. But there are a lot of things they don’t share with...

Don’t Panic! There Is Nothing Wrong With Your Newborn’s Sleep

New moms, you might be tired of advice from everywhere about your newborn’s sleep. There is no dearth of dos and don'ts when it...

This Is Why You Should Never Drink Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer contains 40 to 95 percent ethyl alcohol. It’s much stronger than hard liquors, so consuming it can easily lead to alcohol poisoning. Possible symptoms include vomiting, confusion, irregular breathing, and paleness. And while there have been reports of adults and teens drinking hand sanitizer, the risk is more dangerous with kids. To prevent it, avoid anything that’s colorful and keep the bottle out of reach. Call poison control immediately if you suspect someone has consumed hand sanitizer.

How To Massage Your Baby The Right Way: A Step-By-Step Guide

Giving a massage to your baby is a great way to bond with them through touch. Infants can immensely benefit from the skin-to-skin contact through...

Peanut Allergy In Kids: Early Exposure Can Prevent It

Peanut allergy is fairly common in the UK and USA. According to pre-existent guidelines, peanuts should be given to kids who are more than 3 years of age. However, this seemed to increase the incidence of allergies among children and newer guidelines were set after years of research. As per the new guidelines, early exposure of peanuts in small amounts should be practiced among infants to ensure they don't develop allergies.