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Lucky 7: Foods That Can Help You Fight Cancer

According to the WHO, diet plays a key role in the global battle against cancer. Studies suggest that incorporating foods like garlic, dark green leafy veggies (spinach, bok choy, turnip), broccoli, berries, carrot juice, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, and tomatoes can help stave-off cancer by preventing oxidative stress and increasing apoptosis or cell death of cancer/tumor cells.

We Could Be Closer To Curing Cancer After Successful Immunotherapy Trials

What could perhaps be a trump card in this fight against cancer, the European Cancer Congress says that two new immunotherapy drug show promise....
brain tumor symptoms

10 Warning Signs And Symptoms Of Brain Tumors You Should Know

Seizures are often the first reason people suspect brain tumor. Other brain tumor symptoms include persistent headaches, nausea, fatigue, and vision problems. As the brain controls the functions of different body parts, depending on the location of the tumor, patients may experience personality change, loss of memory, balance, communication skills, and abnormal changes in the body, like growth of breasts in men and abnormally large limbs. Symptoms alone aren't sufficient to detect a brain tumor; a CT scan or an MRI is required.

Facts To Know On Breast-Cancer Awareness Day

Adorning your social-media and streets with the pink-ribbon, the little reminder to go for a mammogram, get detected early is the message spread by...

A 29-Year-Old British Woman Dies Due to a Muscle Ache That Turns Out to...

In Clare’s memory, her husband whom she married 1.5 year ago, and her loved ones are doing their best to create awareness about how...

8 Reasons To Masturbate Regularly

Take your health into your own hands by indulging in a little self-love. It's all about procreation, longevity, REM sleep, immunity, libido, and more.
back pain at night

Causes Of Back Pain At Night

A day spent slouching at the desk or an evening spent dancing on high heels affects the spine curve and leads to back pain at night. A very soft or a hard and uneven mattress won't support your back and will worsen the pain. If change in sleeping and sitting posture doesn't lower the pain, and you aren't pregnant, see a doc and test for spinal arthritis or tumors, kidney stones, or a cancer of the abdominal organs.

Top 10 Facts About Breast Cancer

Enhance your rates of surviving this most common disease with these 10 key facts highlighting the symptoms and treatment strategies for breast cancer.

Don’t Sit It Out: Get Moving For Good Health

Like most people, you probably spend much of your day seated at a desk, in a chair at home, or in the car. It isn’t something you’d normally think twice about, but research suggests you should. Sitting too much, especially at the cost of moving around and being active, can be particularly bad for your health. Here’s why.

How A Cancer Survivor Became A Mother of Two in Two Weeks

How does a woman whose reproductive health that was compromised long ago become a biological mother, in the same month, of two newborn girls...

Meet, Vinnie Myers, The Tattoo Artist Helping Breast Cancer Survivors Feel ‘Whole Again’

Getting a mastectomy, is no picnic, besides that, it can be depressing for breast cancer survivors to look at their bare chests in the...

What Is Horner Syndrome?

Horner's Syndrome is a nerve disorder in which one side of the face, particularly the eye region, suffers a loss of function. Droopy eyelids, a sunken eyeball, and a significantly constricted iris are usually the first signs. Treatment focuses on addressing the underlying cause that may range from trauma, cancers, genetic causes to vascular disease and goiter.

Nip Breast Cancer In The Bud

Examine your breasts once monthly for visible changes in size, texture, or feel. Exercise, breastfeeding, and a healthy diet can add years to your life.
Prevent colorectal cancer naturally

5 Effective Ways To Prevent Colorectal Cancer Naturally

Go for regular screen tests if you're 50 or have a family history of polyps, cancer, or IBD. Avoid red meat or processed meat. Load up on fibrous and colorful veggies and antioxidant-rich berries. Eat dairy products for calcium and spinach and sprouts for folic acid. Exercise in the sun for vitamin D and to keep obesity at bay. Go easy on the booze and stop smoking altogether.

Moms Who’ve Battled Breast Cancer

According to the most recent figures, Breastcancer.org estimates that one in eight American women will develop breast cancer during their lifetimes. The good news...