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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 101

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a condition where the prostate grows to a larger than normal size. This ends up squeezing the urethra to block or slow down urine flow, hence giving rise to painful urinary symptoms. BPH is usually faced by men over 40 years of age. There are a number of treatment options available, and consulting with your doctor can help you reach a decision that is best for you.

Everything You Need To Know About Mucus

Mucus is the body's natural defense against foreign particles such as dust, dirt, and germs. The body produces about 1–1.5 liters of mucus per day but the quantity, color, and consistency may vary depending on respiratory problems and external factors like pollutants. To get rid of mucus build-up, try these home remedies and eat the right kind of foods.
If you are looking for a natural way of prolonging your life and preventing tumors then you should try an old Tibetan remedy

A 2000-Year-Old Tibetan Remedy That Prevents Tumor And Prolongs Your Life

As people have become more and more conscious about their health, a lot of importance is being given to healthy ways of living such...

8 Surprising Ways You Can Use Coconut Water Every Day

Coconut water is a trending beverage, not just a cooling drink but also as one that's healthy. There are multiple ways to use coconut water daily, for skin and hair and to make tasty dishes like iced coffee, salads, and popsicles. Using coconut water instead of regular water will also give your immunity a boost. Read on to know the different ways in which coconut water will make your life better.

Forehead Acne: 5 Possible Causes And 5 Home Remedies

If you are constantly troubled by forehead acne, factors like hormonal imbalance, stress, or even poor digestion may be triggering it. Harmful hair care product use and improper hygiene practices could also be responsible. Try home remedies like tea tree oil, lemon juice, honey, aloe vera gel, and diluted apple cider vinegar to reduce your forehead acne. Also, ensure that you eat healthily and maintain proper hygiene for clear, infection-free skin.

Intestinal Parasitic Infection: Symptoms And Natural Remedies

Intestinal parasites spread through contaminated water or food. Generally, they don't cause symptoms, but when they do, you’ll experience abdominal pain, nausea, gas, diarrhea, exhaustion, stomach pain, and weight loss. It’s important to go to the doctor, but natural remedies can supplement conventional treatment. Papaya seeds kill intestinal parasites. Garlic prevents parasitic growth. Pumpkin seeds and Bishop's weed fight parasites. Barberry kills tapeworms.

10 Simple Home Remedies For Sinus Infections: Ease Sinusitis Naturally

Irrigate the nasal passage with a solution of baking soda or salt water and steam inhale with eucalyptus or chamomile to help clear out mucus. Apply a warm compress to your face to loosen mucus and relieve pain. Drink turmeric, peppermint, or echinacea tea to reduce inflammation and mucus. Eating pineapples or horseradish and taking some elderberry syrup can also help.

Herbs And Spices For High Blood Pressure: Fight Your BP Problem With These 12...

Many herbs and spices contain bioactive compounds that help lower your blood pressure, working as a perfect ally to other lifestyle and diet changes. Herbs like thyme, sweet basil, hibiscus, phyllanthus, Indian snakeroot, and ashwagandha can help reduce high blood pressure. Flavoring your food with spices such as garlic, ginger, turmeric, cardamom, saffron, and cinnamon can also rein in the problem.

Henna: A Natural Remedy For All Your Hair Problems

Improved hair growth, reduced hair fall, conditioned hair, reduced dandruff and a healthy scalp are some of the benefits of using henna hair mask periodically. It also acts as a natural hair dye and has been used for thousands of years by people from various countries such as India and Egypt. This hair treatment is equally beneficial for those with dry hair or oily scalp.

8 Home Remedies For Heartburn And Indigestion Relief

Antacids aren’t the only treatments for heartburn and indigestion. For a simpler option, use pure calcium carbonate, the major active ingredient in antacids. The enzymes in papaya will soothe digestive problems, too. Herbs like ginger, licorice root, and dandelion can calm digestive muscles and pain. If you have indigestion without heartburn, take peppermint. Many people find relief from water with a bit of baking soda, but don’t overdo it. Chewing gum may also relieve burning from heartburn.

Bladder Infection: Easy And Effective Home Remedies

Has your pee ever burned all the way down and caused you pain? Have you ever made multiple trips to the bathroom but you...

Try This Easy Home Remedy To Bust That Phlegmy Cough

This easy home remedy to cure cough and phlegm requires two easily available ingredients – carrots and honey. The beta-carotene in carrots helps your body make vitamin A, a micronutrient that boosts your immunity against disease-causing antigens and protects your cell from oxidative damage. Honey on the other hand contains vitamin C, ethereal oils and alcohol that not only fights infections and free radicals, but also helps relieve the painful symptoms of coughing.
ways to increase sexual stamina naturally

13 Remedies To Increase Sexual Stamina Naturally

Focus on a healthy diet with foods like chili peppers, apples, nuts, and beetroot juice to boost your libido, combat fatigue, and build stamina. Ayurvedic and herbal remedies like ashwagandha, vajikaranam ghritam, shilajeet, and ginseng can also help you last longer in bed. Even acupuncture can give you a helping hand. Top that off with a good exercise routine that focuses on building endurance, core strength, flexibility, and pelvic floor strength and you'll be on your way to improved sexual stamina!

Everything You Need To Know About Trigger Finger

Fingers locking up and preventing you from folding them could indicate a condition called trigger finger. It’s as if your finger has frozen and become immobile. Many activities that require you to tightly grip objects such as gardening or scrubbing can strain the tendons of the fingers resulting in this painful condition. Although home remedies can provide temporary relief, some medications can permanently cure the condition.
nausea after eating: causes and remedies

Nausea After Eating: Causes And Natural Remedies To Tackle It

From food poisoning and stomach ulcers to indigestion, a range of conditions can cause nausea after eating. Tackle them with natural remedies: have ginger, banana, or peppermint tea for indigestion; licorice for gastritis and heartburn; manuka honey or turmeric for ulcers and indigestion. Chewing sugar-free gum may ease symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease.