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Tag: Ayurveda

home remedies for chickenpox

10 Home Remedies To Treat Chickenpox Naturally

Add a spoonful of baking soda, finely ground oats, dried chamomile flowers, or neem leaves to a lukewarm bath and soak to soothe itchy skin. Try dabbing a little calamine solution, diluted apple cider vinegar, or honey on affected parts with a clean cotton swab. Equally beneficial can be topical application of calendula oil and grindelia (gum weed) in liquid form.

10 Symptoms And Remedies Of Anemia You Need To Be Aware Of

Have you ever had that feeling when it suddenly blackens out and you struggle to stand, forget walking? "No", then, congrats you are absolutely fit....
treating bronchitis during pregnancy

Bronchitis While Pregnant? 6 Natural Remedies To Treat It

Make sure to drink plenty of fluids (think warm honey-lemon water, turmeric milk, or ginger tea!) to help thin out mucus and clear chest congestion. Equally beneficial can be all natural remedies like gargling with salt water, consuming probiotics, steam inhalation. Turn the humidifier on at night and sleep with it running to ensure a sound sleep and a good night's rest.

11 Home Remedies To Treat Eye Infections Naturally

An eye infection can leave you with itchy, swollen eyes. While honey, eye drops containing euphrasia or ginkgo biloba extracts can help with conjunctivitis, a warm compress and a clove or chamomile eyewash can be used to treat styes. If you have blepharitis (inflamed eyelids, usually the edges), scrubbing the eyelids with tea tree oil or baby shampoo may help.
Natural Remedies To Treat Migraine

14 Home Remedies To Treat Migraine Naturally And Quickly

Drink ginger tea or chew a piece of ginger at the onset of a migraine. Fish oil too can help with its anti-inflammatory benefits. Apply chamomile oil (diluted with sesame oil) or peppermint oil (diluted with alcohol) on the forehead. Put a cold compress on the affected area for 15 mins; then keep it off for 15 mins before using it again. Get a head massage or try Ayurvedic techniques like shirodhara. Meditation and deep breathing exercises can also help.
home remedies or peeling skin

Home Remedies For Peeling Skin On Your Feet

Prepare a cup of chamomile or black tea. Allow it to cool down. Strain, apply to the affected area using a clean washcloth. Equally beneficial can be topical application of aloe vera gel, petroleum jelly, calendula salve, tea tree oil diluted with a carrier oil, rice water, coconut oil. Or soak your feet in warm cinnamon water. It's easy - boil water and add a few cinnamon sticks.

Chakra Detoxification Practices For The Mind, Body, And Spirit

The seven main chakras are the foundation of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being. Open and balanced chakras absorb the universal earth...
what is muscular dystrophy

Muscular Dystrophy: Cause, Symptoms, And Treatment

Muscular dystrophy includes over 30 muscle-wasting disorders of the skeletal muscles, the heart, and the endocrine system. A faulty gene produces little or no dystrophin, a protein that maintains muscle strength and tone, leading to muscle weakness that worsens over time. Symptoms include abnormal gait, deformed spine and joints, and breathing problems. Patients find it tough to perform daily tasks, and in severe cases, die in their 20s.
home remedies for abscess tooth

Top 10 Home Remedies For Tooth Abscess That Really Work

Mix some turmeric powder with water to make a paste. Then apply this to the affected tooth using a cotton swab. Equally soothing will be an application of a tsp of asafoetida powder fried in butter, fresh garlic juice, or clove oil. Other numbing options include gargling with a mix of 1tsp dried crushed sage, 1t salt in water or swishing warm salt water or black tea for a while.

Natural Remedies To Stop Bleeding

Bleeding can induce panic – when you don't have a first aid around. Even if it is a minor cut or scrape, the blood starts...

9 Home Remedies for Gingivitis

Gingivitis is a type of gum disease caused by bacterial infection. The disease is mostly caused by poor oral hygiene. When you don't clean...
natural remedies for bronchitis

9 Natural Remedies For Bronchitis

If you've bronchitis, you're probably coughing up a storm. All natural remedies that can help thin the phlegm in your chest and get it moving include inhaling steam with a few drops of eucalyptus oil added to the water, drinking copious amounts of water, and having warm soups, spicy foods. If your throat hurts, try warm honey-lemon water or gargling with salt water.

Rejuvenate With Winter Ayurvedic Cleanses At Home

The ancient science of Ayurveda works on the premise that the entire cosmos is made up of a combination of three doshas – Vata...

Home Remedies To Treat And Prevent Fordyce Spots

Fordyce spots are little white spots that appear on the lips, the shaft of the penis, or the vulva. They are harmless and painless....

9 Natural Remedies For Your Baby’s Dry Skin

Until your baby is 2 years old, its skin is very delicate and requires maximum protection from external conditions. Its skin much thinner than yours...