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Tag: Alternative Medicine

The Art of Change by Dr. Rick Kirschner

The Art of Change by Dr. Rick Kirschner

As a motivational speaker and communication skills trainer, Dr. RickKirschner delivers artful programs on Business, Relationships and Life that are ideal for your event.  In...
6 Natural Remedies For Seasonal Allergies

6 Natural Remedies For Seasonal Allergies

With spring starting, allergy sufferers are dreading the onset of allergy season. Perhaps you are like so many patients for whom the typical allergy...

Try Salt Water Therapy To Remove Negative Energy: Best Natural Remedy

Salt water treatment is a cleansing method for our spiritual healing. It contains water – which is such a big component in our body, which we use for cleansing, and salt – a mineral which is known for its capability to extract. These two, combined, create a tool that is capable of removing the black, negative energy that is so harmful.
Simple QiGong Exercises to Relieve Upper Body Stress

Simple QiGong Exercises to Relieve Upper Body Stress

Unhealthy Posture & LifeStyle: As you may have noticed, we live in a world where we have all these commodities – we have our couch,...
Are Acupuncture and Moxibustion Really Painful As They Seem?`

Are Acupuncture and Moxibustion Really Painful As They Seem?

Most of the modern society makes use mostly on conventional or modern medicine which includes pills and such. But sometimes, when we feel that...
The Role of Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Medicine in Menopause

The Role of Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Medicine in Menopause

Menopause is a normal and natural transition in a woman’s life when her ovaries decide to stop producing estrogen and go into retirement.  In...
15 Natural Remedies To Treat Acid Reflux and Ulcers

15 Home Remedies For Acid Reflux and Ulcers

Looking for natural ways to reduce ulcer pain and acid reflux? Here is a list of home remedies that can give instant relief without any drugs or harmful side effects. Most of these options are easily available in health food stores and involve no complicated recipes or methods for pain relief.
Chi Gong and Tai Chi -The Ancient Chinese Practices for Energy Balance

Chi Gong and Tai Chi: The Ancient Chinese Practices for Energy Balance

Ignoring the Truth: Dismissing ancient practices is akin to foolishly disregarding its historical journey and the entrenched factors for its survival and adoption even today....
What is the Naturopathic approach to an ailment?

What is the Naturopathic approach to an ailment?

   Dr. Sara Jean Barrett is a Naturopathic Physician in Bloomington, Minnesota, who treats patients of all ages with a variety of health concerns. Her...

Acupressure: Relieving Stress Through Pressure Points

Our Aversion To “Alternative” Healing The mere mention of “alternative” medicine seems so alien and obscure that we tend to shun away anything and everything...
Pain Management: What are the enablers towards inculcating a pain free healthy lifestyle?

Pain Management: What are the enablers towards inculcating a pain free healthy lifestyle?

Hal S. Blatman, MD is the founder and medical director of the Blatman Health and Wellness Center, and a nationally recognized specialist in treating...
Reiki - The Spiritually Guided Life Force Energy

Reiki – The Spiritually Guided Life Force Energy

We are stuck in a vicious cycle of worrying about problems and having problems about our worries. And worrying itself is a problem. The...
Ayurveda -Natural Home Remedies for Weak Eyesight

Ayurveda -Natural Home Remedies for Weak Eyesight

As you read this article, off a tablet or a computer screen, you are unwittingly exposing your sensitive eyes to ill-willing factors. Harmful air...
Reflexology: Natural science of pressure therapy

Reflexology: The Natural Science of Pressure Therapy

Reflexology is as interesting as it sounds. According to online dictionaries, reflexology is “a alternative medical science of relieving pain or curing illness, by...
Home Remedy For Sore Throats: Experiencing Colds Is Actually Beneficial To Your Health

Home Remedy For Sore Throats: Experiencing Colds Is Actually Beneficial To Your Health

Contrary to what mainstream media tends to teach, experiencing a cold or the flu periodically can actually be helpful to your health. By and...