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Tag: Aerobic Exercise

Dance Your Way To Weight Loss

Dancing as an aerobic workout can burn major calories and help you achieve a toned flexible body. Zumba, Barre class, Yoga dance, Dance video games are all good options. Wear comfortable clothes, select music that is between 100-112 beats and make a 30-40 dance workout routine 4-5 days/week. Enjoy this fun way to melt stubborn fat and stay trim.
Yogasanas The Best Exercise Practice And Here’s Why

Yogasanas: The Best Exercise Practice And Here’s Why

Asanas work at a cellular and organ level. They are therapeutic and change your metabolism. They cover all body movements; The spinal cord is stretched in 6 different ways without causing strain; No wear and tear of bones or muscles; They preserve bone density; Breathing is slower; Relaxing mentally and physically; Blood is purified and toxins are removed.

Turn Spring Cleaning Into Spring Training

You can actually burn some calories and deal with the household chores. Just walking back and forth your home and organizing can contribute to your cleaning workout. Vacuuming is a high energy chore that can be compared to brisk walking. Achieve maximum results by cleaning for at least 20 minutes, because this is the required time for the body to start burning fat. When it comes to workouts, nothing can compare to car washing. It will keep you moving for at least an hour and will really work your arms. 
The Best Aerobic Workouts At Home For Belly Fat

The Best Aerobics For Weight Loss At Home

This circuit training takes 25 min and should be repeated 3x: 50 jumping jacks, 20 squats, 20 alternate lunges, 15 burpees, 25 pushups, 30 mountain climbers, 50 crunches, 60 sec plank holds. Core power yoga, stair training, kickboxing, jogging in place, skipping, dancing like zumba, squats and squat jumps can help in losing belly fat in the comfort of your home.
Zumba: The Best Calorie-Busting Dance Routine Around.

Zumba: The Best Calorie-Busting Dance Routine Around.

  Can you Dance? Are you one of the lucky ones without “two left feet” and can let your hair down without a care for the...