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Ankle Sprains: Healing and Preventing Injury

Ankle Sprains Healing and Preventing Injury

Ankle Sprains Healing and Preventing Injury

A sprain is a stretched or torn ligament. Ligaments connect one bone to another bone at a joint and help keep them in place. One common area that gets affected is the ankle. A sprained ankle means one or more ligaments on the outer side of your ankle were stretched or torn.

Ankle sprains commonly occur during sports activities or while walking or running on an uneven surface. If a sprain is not treated properly, you could have long-term problems.


What Are The Signs Of An Ankle Sprain?

The severity of a sprain is graded according to how badly the ligament has been stretched and whether or not the ankle joint has been made unstable. If the sprain is mild, there may not be much pain or swelling and the ligaments may only be stretched. If the sprain is severe, one of more ligaments may be torn and the joint may be severely swollen. A severe sprain can also be extremely painful. Some of the common symptoms of an ankle injury include:

Preventing Ankle Injury

It is always better to be cautious and avoid injuries. Here are some things you can do to help prevent a sprained ankle:


Lifestyle Changes To Treat Ankle Injuries

The R.I.C.E. Approach

Try preventing ankle injuries by altering your lifestyle and being cautious. However, sprains are common, and it normally heals by itself if the injury is mild. However, if it hurts too much to put any weight on the ankle and you can’t walk, seek treatment immediately.



1 Ankle sprains: Overview, U.S National Library of Medicine
2 How to Care for a Sprained Ankle, American Orthopaedic Food and Ankle Society
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