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Simple Tips To Overcoming Addiction On Your Own

Addiction includes every kind of pleasurable behavior – you might be addicted to the use of a habit-forming substance (like alcohol, tobacco, drugs or food) or your addiction may be based on a certain type of behavior/activity (like surfing the internet, watching TV, shopping or exercising a lot) that produces a positive feeling or brings pleasure. All addictions have exactly the same roots regardless of the substance or behavior that makes up the addiction – unresolved emotional trauma!

Overcoming Addiction

When you are battling any kind of addiction, the strain of managing an addiction can seriously damage your work life and relationships. Fortunately, addiction is a treatable condition. All it requires is a strong will, great social support, and determination to overcome the odds. You don’t need to join a recovery group and label yourself as an ‘addict’ for the rest of your life. Here are some common addictions  and ways to overcome them naturally.


How To Break An Addiction Cycle

Stress locks brain into an ‘automatic response mode’ that sets a cycle of futile actions that restrict creative and beneficial responses. For quick and long term relief, vent out your negative emotions openly, engage in any physical activity or meditation. These stimulate the release of brain’s feel-good chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin that soothe your mind.


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Ways To Overcome Smoking Addiction


You probably already know that smoking is not that pleasant. So why do you smoke? Find out what smoking means to you. Replace it with a new habit that provides the same reward. This is called the ‘Substitution Strategy’ and it is far easier and more effective to replace your smoking habit by substitution than by just trying to stop suddenly.

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How To Stop Alcohol Addiction, On Your Own

Start rationing and then, cut back over time. Determine what your habit or ritual is and then break it – try to engage yourself in another activity, find a replacement non-alcoholic beverage. To reduce anxiety and stress, cut down on your caffeine intake, up your intake of vegetables and Vitamin B, and take some anti-stress supplements. Lastly, be prepared, stop making excuses and motivate yourself to stay on track.


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7 Ways To Break Drug Addiction


For those who have struggled with drug addiction, it often involves a long-term battle to restore order to their lives. This traditionally involves inpatient treatment at rehabilitation clinics and months away from family and friends. While rehabilitation is an important part of the recovery process, many modern programs are looking at less conventional approaches to fighting drug addiction. The focus is not so much on a traditional group or individual therapy as it is in holistic therapy options. Here are few of the numerous ‘holistic rehab approaches’ for helping patients in overcoming addiction.

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7 Tips On Beating Your TV And Internet Addiction

How do you beat something so addictive as the Internet, or TV – things most of us find ourselves increasingly immersed in, all day long? There isn’t one way to face and deal with an addiction! Thus, here we have rounded up 7 effective strategies to curb TV and internet addiction that can help you balance your life in a better way.

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Does Food Addiction Really Exist?

Food addiction is becoming a huge phenomenon in both the scientific literature and modern pop culture health buzz. Scientists have studied the reward centres of the brain and shown that food evokes positive responses. Specifically, there seems to be a preference for ‘sweet’ things in these brain reward centres – a picture of broccoli, for example, does not produce the same excitement. Read more to find out how this food addiction cycle works and overcoming addiction easily!

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How To Stop The Junk Food Addiction

Have you ever wondered why you crave for high-calorie junk food, despite knowing that it is extremely unhealthy and detrimental to your health? There is an answer to this question and the science behind it will surprise you! Food manufacturers spend millions of dollars to combine various flavors and textures to produce truly addictive and appetizing products. They test the perfect combination of salt, sugar, and fat that excites your brain and gets you coming back for more! Check out the below listed natural ways to control these cravings.

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Coffee Addiction And 5 Ways To Control Your Cravings

Caffeine stimulates our adrenals to produce more cortisol and stress hormones giving us a temporary surge of energy that only lasts for 3-5 hours until we need our next dose to get that boost in brain function again. Wondering how coffee may be affecting you? Here are some common symptoms associated with coffee consumption that may suggest you are addicted and need to manage your cravings.

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Dealing With The Addiction To Exercise: An Unhealthy Obsession

Exercise addiction is unique in one aspect – It is almost universally viewed as something to aspire to. If you drink or smoke too much, your friends start to worry. Exercise a lot, and everyone envies your dedication and commitment. So how can you go from being an exercise addict, to a more healthy relationship with working out? Like any other addiction, it takes time, and patience to break free from the bonds that tie. Here are 6 easy steps to break free from this unhealthy obsession.

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Is Ayurveda Effective In Treating Addiction?

Since Ayurveda shows a prolific link between the mind and the gut, it can be efficient enough to treat most of the health problems which has to do with both the mind and body. Addiction, for example, employs both your mind and the body to proliferate its control over you, therefore, Ayurveda can be quite a helpful treatment.

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